6: Caught

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You woke up to Naomi unintentionally snuggling up to you while sleeping but this time you're aware of it.

She actually smiled as her hands laid on your chest and stomach.

You carefully got up without waking her, fortunately she was a heavy sleeper.

You stared out the window admiring the new day.

You got dressed and started the day by making breakfast for you and the girls.

After you set out plates you saw Ebony and Naomi walking downstairs with messy hair.

Ebony rubs her eyes and Naomi yawning wide enough to show that her canine teeth are more sharp and slightly longer than normal human teeth.

(A/n: Mōtharian canine teeth are different from humans. Human canine teeth are sharp enough to tear through meat and other hardy foods. Mōtharians are slightly longer and can tear through wood and rarely {depends on their oral hygiene} through metal. This was effective for them as a last resort lethal weapon to rip armor off their enemies or destroy guns and swords during the Mōtharian Contact War.)

They sit down and thank you for the meal and chow down.

As they were eating, you went to your cellar to check your beer and whiskey supply.

Y/n: "Ah shit!"

You barely had enough to get through the week.

You went back upstairs and checked the clock, it was 8 am.

Naomi: "Are you okay, Y/n?"

Ebony: "Yeah, what's wrong?"

Y/n: "I'm fine, I just forgot to restock my products for work."

Ebony: "Why not buy more?"

Y/n: "My drinks are brewed by me, no one else."

You went to the kitchen.

Naomi: "Just make more."

Y/n: "Way ahead of you--"

You didn't have enough to make half a barrel.

Y/n: "Wow I'm dumb... Okay change of plans."

You grab a backpack and a list for the supplies you'll be purchasing.

Y/n: "I'll be back, if I don't return around 5pm just keep the bar closed."

Ebony: "Very well."

Naomi: "Wait, can't we come with?"

Y/n: "It's fine there's a market I can go to nearby, I shouldn't be gone for long."

Naomi: "Be careful."

Y/n: "I will, don't worry."

You walked out the door and headed towards the farmers market where the necessary ingredients would be.

When you arrived at the market there were no merchants in the area.

You saw a citizen walking by.

Y/n: "Hey buddy, aren't there markets here by now?"

Citizen: "They closed shop around here, friend. Some said it was too cold to start selling at this time of the day, they might be open later in the day though."

Y/n: "How much is later?"

Citizen: "Who knows, maybe 12 or 1 pm?"

Y/n: 'Gah, that's too long for me to wait!'

Y/n: "Is there anywhere else I can purchase from merchants?"

Citizen: "There's another imperial village that isn't too far from here."

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