14: From town to town

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Mōtharian Contact War - FC 39XX - Białowieża Forest, between the borders of Poland and Belarus...

Fire seeped onto trees as the corpses of Mōtharian warriors and imperial soldiers lie dead around the forest.

A group of Imperial soldiers were recovering what they've lost from the previous fight.

A female soldier at the rank of Stabskorporal (staff corporal) approached a tall brute of a soldier.

She saluted by clenching a fist on her chest.

Skpl. Ovicula: "...The 87th and 88th battalions were nearly decimated in the attack, we're nearly done recovering what we've lost."

The tall soldier at the rank of Stabsfeldwebel (Master Sergeant) had a deep robotic voice from his helmet.

Sfwl. Lorenz: "...Casualties?"

Skpl. Ovicula: "1,020 dead, 380 wounded..."

Lorenz looked up as thunder could be heard.

Rain began slowly pouring on the woods putting out the fire in the process.

Sfwl. Lorenz: ". . . How long..."

Ovicula looked at him confused.

Skpl. Ovicula: "I'm sorry, sergeant?"

Sfwl. Lorenz: "How much longer do we need to keep fighting these demons?... So many good people... Gone... Once you've seen enough corpses bleeding on the ground you don't feel grief anymore. It just makes you tired, giving you some sick reminder that you're probably next tomorrow."

Skpl. Ovicula: "I'm sure it won't be too much longer, from what I've heard the Atlas Queen is evacuating along with her praetorians."

Sfwl. Lorenz: "That's what we've been told..."

Skpl. Ovicula: "Maybe we might finally be able to go home and this war will be over."

Sfwl. Lorenz: ". . . . . . If I had 100 birds every time I've said that these past 16 years I would be richer than the Emperor himself..."

Lorenz opened his face piece.

His visor went into his helmet along with his mouth guard on the sides of the helmet which looked similar to a medieval knight helmet.

He breathed in the fresh air, what was once smoke and fresh blood that had a sweet but bitter smell has cleared away.

Skpl. Ovicula: "What now, sergeant?"

Lorenz sighed.

Sfwl. Lorenz: "The COs call us back - they tell the Major what happened - then we'll wait to see if command will send us more bodies to throw at the enemy."

He leaned up against a tree.

He pulled out a cigarette and a lighter.

Skpl. Ovicula: "It's a bit wet outside for a smoke, sergeant."

He looked at her with an annoyed look.

Sfwl. Lorenz: "...I'm under a tree, kid. It's dry enough.

He lit his cigarette, it was probably the only thing that had color besides the yellow visors from the other imperial soldiers.

He enjoyed the taste of nicotine that relaxed (and slowly damaged) his lungs.

The smoke blew out of his mouth and nostrils.

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