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                                     Sev's POV

I stroll into class just as the bell rings, Mr. Reddington shoots me a dirty look and I grin. I sit in the back of the class propping my feet up on my desk.

"Alright class today we-"

"I'm so sorry I'm late" a girl with long teal hair rushes into the classroom letting the door slam behind her.

"That's quite alright Ms. Eilish. Class we have a new student and I'd like you to make her feel welcome. You may introduce yourself Ms. Eilish." Reddington smiles at her and she turns around facing us.

"H-hi I'm Billie-"

A chuckle escapes my mouth and Redd glares at me, "is something funny, Sincer-"

"My name is Sev." I grit through my teeth, that man knows how much I hate being called anything other than Sev. "But yes something is funny that's why I laughed" I move my attention to Billie, "why the fuck did you parents name you that? Do they hate you?" I laugh.

The girl's face drops and her eyes sparkle. First day and I already almost have her in tears.

"Watch your language Ms. Monroe, I will not tolerate this behavior today. One more slip up and you can spend the rest of the day with the Principal Ackerman" I do my best not to laugh, you can always tell when Redd is super angry from the huge vein poking through on his forehead.

"Don't give yourself another stroke Redd, relax" I smirk and that's sets him off.

"Get out of my room immediately!!" He raises his voice which I was not expecting but as always I just shrug, gather my things and head to Ackerman's office. I'm sure he'll be thrilled to see me again for the third time this week.

I don't even bother knocking, I barge into Ackerman's office to find him sitting down with a parent.

"Ms. Monroe you'll have to wait outside I'm in the middle of a meeting with a parent" he scoffs.

"Nope" I plop onto the little sofa in the corner, "I'm good right here but I promise to be extra quiet" I smile brightly.

He just rolls his eyes and continues his conversation, I pull out my phone and text my best friend, Drew.

He just rolls his eyes and continues his conversation, I pull out my phone and text my best friend, Drew

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"Ms. Monroe, why are you in my office again?" Ackerman asks pulling my attention away from my phone.

"Redd got pissed because I made some jokes about him and the new girl" I smiled.

"How many times have I told you to stop calling him 'Redd', it's Mr. Reddington. And I'm not happy with you this year Ms. Monroe. For you're behavior today you're gonna guide the new girl, Billie Eilish, around the school and escort her to all her classes for the rest of the week."

"The hell I am, she'll probably cry the next time she sees me and I don't wanna hear all that" I cross my arms over my chest.

"Either do as I say or spend your Saturdays with me for the next month. Your choice Ms. Monroe." He shrugs before writing some stuff down.

"Fine." I grumble, he hands me a piece of paper.

"You're pass to go back to Mr. Reddington's class. I do not want to see you back in my office."

I snatch the paper and walk out. This is bullshit, what the hell the do I look like showing the new girl around the school. She can find her classes by her damn self.

I storm into Reed's room slamming the pass on his desk and taking my normal seat in the back of the class. I didn't even notice anyone else was all the way in the back until I hear a soft gasp. My eyes meet wide soft blue ones to which I roll my eyes.

"The fu-" I huff thinking before I finish that sentence, "can I help you with something?" I mumble.

Billie just shakes her head and looks back down at the notebook in front of her.

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