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Sev's POV

A few classes have gone by and it's time for lunch but I think I'm just gonna go home early. I'm pretty sure Billie has went home after her attack this morning.

Now I'm just heading to my locker before I skip for tue day.

"Sev!" I hear someone call out. "Sev!"

I sigh waiting for them to get to me, pretty sure I'll be getting yelled at again. I put in my locker combination and stuff as much as I can into it.

"Yo, Sev I heard about what happened to Billie this morning." Xavier says, seemingly out of breath. Probably from running down the halls like he usually does.

"Yeah, she scared the hell outta me. I had no idea she had asthma" I sigh slamming my locker door shut.

"She still hasn't talked to you?" He asks as we begin walking towards the exit.

"Nah, I tried to explain but I couldn't tell her the truth" I mutter.

"What is the trusty exactly? I know things were really intense yesterday but I'm still your friend. You can talk to me if you need to" he pats my shoulder.

"I'm about to skip, you wanna come? I'll tell you the truth, I need to tell someone."

"Yeah let's go."

We get to my car, getting in and putting out seatbelts on before I get on the road.

"So what happened before Billie saw you and Jasmine kissing?"

I sigh, my chest clenching at the memory.

~~ Yesterday ~~

"Okay kiss me then you can go" I chuckle licking my lips.

Billie hops off my lap and quite literally runs out of the cafeteria and to the bathroom. I can't help but smile as watch her haul ass out of here.

"You really care about her don't you" Sarai smirks at me when I face the group again.

"Oh shut up" I chuckle throwing a balled up napkin at her.

"I think it's more than that" Jay adds.

I feel my cheeks heat up, they need to shut up.

Zoe gasps, "you love her don't you?!" She smiles widely.

Noah was about to say something when his face drops, my brows furrow in confusion.

"Noah, you good?" I ask sitting up straight.

"I don't mean to alarm you but Jasmine just walked in" he mumbles.

"What?" Drew whisper shouts.

"Oh shit, that's Jasmine?" Kayla says.

My eyes widen in terror.

"What the fuck is she doing here?!" I panic.

"S-She's coming over here" Sarai stutters.

I feel a tap on my shoulder and I hesitantly turn around to face her. I could feel my sweat dripping down my sides from under my arms and a thin layer coats my forehead.

"I need to talk to you for a minute" she says, no smile or anything just a plain face.

I gulp audibly, "I-I.."

"Now, Sincerity." She demands and walks away from me.

My body shivers at the way she says my name. All of my fear of her comes rushing back, like I'm still that lost sixteen year old girl who did whatever she told me to do. Memories flood my mind of all the times I didn't do what she told me to do or when I did something she didn't like. How hard I used to flinch and how quickly I used to start to cry when I realized I was in trouble.

Quickly I get out of my chair and make my way to the hallway. She grabs my hand pulling me to any empty place not the far from the cafe.

"What the he- w-what are you doing here, Jasmine?" I clear my throat.

"I hear you're falling in love with some childish white bitch with blue hair. Billie, is it?" She takes steps closer to me and I step back until my back is flush against the cold lockers.

"She's my girlfriend, so what" I shrug. "I got away from you a long time ago, who the fuck do you think you are coming back now?!" I raise my voice which I instantly regret.

"Just because you dress like a dyke doesn't mean I can't still bitch you around. You have always and will always be my bitch. Do. I. Make. Myself. Clear?" She grits through her teeth, her face now just inches from mine.

My breath hitches at her closeness, I feel like crying. I just nod my head knowing that if I spoke she'd really know how afraid I am.

She plays with a curl behind my ear as she leans in, resting her hand on a locker on the left side of my face. "I missed you, and I heard you were starting to miss me."

"W-Who told you that? I haven't thought about you for a long time."

"Don't lie to me Sincerity!" She raises her voice before lowering it again, "you can be mine again, all you have to do is ask."

Jasmine leans in closer, her lips hovering near my ear. "All you have to do is say you made a mistake and we'll kiss and make up."

I can't...I can't breathe. I can't move.

"Say it!" She shouts slamming her hand against the locker, the loud bang echoing though the empty hallway.

"I-I don't miss you" I mumble, my bottom lip trembling now.

"Of course you do, princess" she whispers before pressing her lips against mine.

At first I don't miss back. I can't. I want Billie. I love Billie. But then her hand wraps around my throat, squeezing just enough to have me panicking. So I kiss her back in hopes that after this she'll let me go.

Her other hand roams my body, her hand pushes the hem of my shirt up so she is touching my bare skin. She squeezes my hip before trailing her hand up but before she gropes my chest I push her away.

"Getting a little too hot and bothered?" She chuckles.

"You need to leave" I huff, wiping her saliva from off my mouth.

"Don't forget, baby girl. I am the one who gives the orders" she says.

"Who told you I missed you?"

"Wouldn't you like to know" she smirks.

"It was Bria, wasn't it? The spiteful bitch is just mad I stopped fucking her" now I'm the one smirking but I shouldn't be because I have just pissed her off.

"You what?" Both her hands go around my throat and she squeezes hard.

A cry falls from my mouth, I try to pry her off but it's not use. "You know what? I'm be back for you. But disrespect me like that and I'll do a lot worse than this. I'm sure you remember how bad you're punishments were." She let's me go and I cough repeatedly.

"After that, Drew and the rest of you guys came to find me. I hadn't seen Billie. I didn't know she was there but I tried to explain I just couldn't tell her I was terrified. How can I tell her that I used to be somebody's bitch? Somebody's punching bag?" I cry out.

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