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                                   Billie's POV

"Billie wake up" I feel someone shaking me.

"Stop shaking me before I hit you" I groan holding my aching head as I slowly sit up. "What?"

"Your mom is blowing up your phone" Khalia says handing it to me.

"What time is- its's 5 in the morning?!" I whine.

I answer the phone, "hey mom."

"Billie I've been calling you all night!" I wince at her loud tone.

"I'm sorry mom we were all watching a movie and I feel asleep" I sigh.

"It's fine if you have sleep overs Billie but you need to let me know" she huffs, "goodnight." With that she hangs up.

She woke me up at 5 in the morning to yell at me and then expects me to go back to sleep?!!!

"How did you even get my phone?" I ask Khalia, laying my head back down on the couch I apparently fell asleep on.

"You do not wanna know right now, I'll tell you at school later" she giggles.

"Just tell me now, I'm not going back to sleep anyway plus I'm going home soon to get ready for school" I shrug.

"Girl you called Sev last night, I didn't hear what you said to her but I took your phone from you" she laughs.

"Shhhhh!!!" Zoe groans in her sleep.

"I did what?!" I whisper shout, "on that note I'm leaving. See you at school."

I get up to head to the door when I realize I'm missing a shoe and my hoodie. I walk around the living room searching for my things when I fall over something. Or rather someone.

"Ow! What the fuck!" Someone jumps up.

"Sorry Matt" I giggle.

I reach over him and pick up my shoe slipping it onto my foot. Now to find my hoodie, I scan the room instead of walking around so I don't fall over anyone else.

"Zoe!" I whisper shout shaking her a little.

"What?" She whines wiping what is probably drool off the side of her face.

"You were using my hoodie as a pillow, and drooling on it" I huff.

"Whoops, sorry" she attempts to wipe the drool off my hoodie but I stop her.

"Just keep it I'm gonna take someone else's" I sigh.

I find a hoodie and the floor, slip it on and head out.


"Fuck my head is killing me" I mumble to myself as I took my seat in my biology class.

Someone pulls up a chair next to me making this awful scraping noise on the floor, "can you-"

Sev. Shit.

"Can I what?" She scoffs.

"Uh n-nothing" I say biting my lip nervously.

"We need to talk, ocean eyes" she smirks.

God I was hoping she wouldn't even mention the phone call. I still have no idea what I said I have not  gotten to talk to Khalia yet.

"What was that phone call about?" She chuckles.

"I am so sorry about that, I don't even remember what I said to you. I was drunk and being stupid. Please don't hit me" I wince cowering away from her.

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