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                                   Billie's POV

I ended up staying the night at Sev's place, her bed was so comfortable I didn't wanna leave. It's been about two days since then, we haven't really talked much. It seems like her mind has been somewhere else but I don't wanna make her talk to me if she doesn't want too.

I slip on my jordan's completing my outfit; a burgundy oversized hoodie with matching sweats along with black beanie. I quickly go to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face before Zoe comes to get me.

Once I rinse my face off I hear my phone ringing from my bedroom, I pat dry my face and rush to my phone.


"Hey doofus I'm outside" she giggles.

"Coming" I hang up, slip my phone into my pocket along with my airpods. Throw on my book bag and head out, my parents and Finneas are already gone.

I hop in the passenger and relax, "hey hoe" I chuckle.

"Hey bitch" she laughs.

Zoe and I have grown really close, when I'm not snatched away by Sev I text her all day until we fall asleep. The others too but Zoe is almost like a best friend.

"Want anything from Starbucks before we head to prison?" She jokes.

"Ew what the fuck am I gonna get from there? Coffee?" I dramatically gag at the thought.

"You are such a child" she shakes her head laughing.

We pull into the drive-thru and she orders some fancy cup of coffee, of course I tease her for it.

"Here just take a sip" she put the plastic cup in my face.

"Hell no plus I can't have dairy" I say, the smell alone was making me wanna barf.

"You're missing out" she sips her disgusting drink.

The rest of the ride is quiet until we get to school. We hop out of the car and still have a few minutes to spare before the first bell rings. We agree to meet at lunch, going our separate ways to our lockers.

On the way to mine, someone bumps into me knocking me to the floor.

"Watch where you're fucking going" I look up to see Sev standing over me.

"Uh you bumped me, what the hell is your problem?" I'm so confused.

"My problem is you getting in my damn way!" With that she walks off.

I get up, shaking off the pain in my hip. What the hell is wrong with her?

Soon after I get my locker open someone taps me, I turn around and immediately roll my eyes.

"What do you want Bria?" I sigh.

"Seems like Sev's fed up with you already, it's a shame I thought you'd be around a little while longer. But to Sev everyone has an expiration date" she chuckles maniacally.

"You must enjoy being a bitch" I chuckle to myself continuing to put stuff in my locker.

"Are you upset Sev doesn't want you to be her lap dog anymore?" She smirks.

I can't help but laugh, "wow you're still jealous she tossed you aside?"

Her face dropped and before I could register what was happening she punched me in the face. She swept my feet from under me, straddling me continuing to hit me over and over again. I did my best to block the hits to my face.

"Bria!! What the fuck are you doing?!" I hear.

Suddenly all the weight on me is gone and I just lay there with my hands over my face as I sob.

"You're still protecting her?! Did you forget what-"

"Just shut the fuck up. I remember what was said but you need to leave her alone!" Sev shouted.

"Oh my god Billie!" Zoe.

I move my hands allowing her to help me up onto my feet, once I'm vertical I feel a warm liquid oozing from my nose. I wipe my nose with the back of my hand, the blood soaking into the sleeve of my sweater.

Sev has Bria backed against the lockers, she was not going for that and roughly pushed Sev out of her face. Her hand collided with Sev's face, things got heated so quickly.

Sev grabs Bria by the hair, punching her in the face over and over again. They were both swinging at this point, neither of them letting up even when they fall to the floor.

Some security guards come rushing over to separate them but Sev's wouldn't let up on her grip of Bria's hair.

"You desperate lonely bitch!! Mad as fuck I don't want your dried up pussy no more!!" Sev shouts.

"That's why your fucking mother used to beat the shit outta you! And so did your hoe ass ex girlfriend!" Sev's face drops, "didn't want this blue-headed pussy ass bitch to know you wasn't always a tough dyke, Sincerity." She drags out the last word, smirking and laughing at the look on Sev's face.

My jaw dropped, not at the new information that was just blurted out but at the fact that Bria would stoop so low.

Sev's tries to get at Bria again but one of the guards has a firm grip on her. The principal comes stalking over through the crowd of people around us.

"Ms. Eilish, Ms. Monroe and Ms. Zavala my office now!" He orders.

Great. Just great.

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