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                                     Sev's POV

After I calm down from crying on Billie, we decided to lay back and just relax in silence. Billie's head resting on my chest as I hold her.

"What happens now?" She asks, asking the question I was too afraid to ask.

"What do you want to happen?" I shrug.

I know that I love her and I wanna be with her but I don't want to say that and make her feel pressured into being with me. She may not even forgive me enough to wanna be with me again.

Billie sits up, gazing into my eyes like she's trying to see if she can guess what I want before she answers.

"I'm not sure.." she starts, "I know I miss you, a lot has happened but I wanna be with you. Yes you made a mistake but I should have given you a chance to explain. Sev I lo-" she stops herself, her cheeks turning red as she looks anywhere other than me.

My heart jumps, w-was she gonna say it?

"Y-You what?" I mumble so quietly I'm not sure she heard me.

She tucks her bottom lip between her teeth, Billie stays quiet for a few seconds then talks. "I was going to say I ..love you.."

Butterflies erupt in my stomach, Billie loves me. I do my best to contain a cheesy grin.

"Really?" I gaze into her eyes looking for any sign of uncertainty and finding none.

"Yes, I really love you Sev." Billie smiles brightly.

"I love you too" I smile back before pulling her into a hug, "so so much baby."

I never would have imagined that the girl I bullied would fall in love with me. I regret how badly I hurt her but damn am I grateful that she does love me.

"Can I kiss you?" I whisper.

Billie pulls back a little, "you don't have to ask." Her eyes fall to my lips making my breath hitch. Carefully I place my lips on hers wanting to savor this moment.

Her soft pink lips feel so good against mine, it's so nice to have her back. My hands fall to her waist as I pull her onto my lap so she's straddling me. Billie wraps her arms around my neck, pressing her body impossibly close to mine deepening the kiss. Push up her shirt a little a rest my hands on her bare back, feeling her smooth skin again my fingertips.

We continue to kiss until I feel my lungs burning, desperate for air. Pulling back, my eyes focus on her now swollen lips. "I love you" I pant.

"And I love you" she whispers, pecking my cheek.

She stays in my arms for the rest of the night and I couldn't ask for anything more.

The End.


A/N: I am so sad to see this story come to an end but honestly there was no where else for this story to go. My original idea for this story was for a sadder ending but I think this is better.

Thanks for sticking around til the end ♡︎
- Her Bad Guy ❤️

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