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Sev's POV

I wake up to my phone buzzing back to back, I groan loudly searching for it without taking my head off my pillow. When I find it my eyes squint as I wince at the brightness of my screen, my eyes adjust and I see messages from Billie.

I get out of bed, throw on some clothes, brush my teeth real quick and head to my car

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I get out of bed, throw on some clothes, brush my teeth real quick and head to my car. I feel my body heat radiating off of me as I speed to Bria's house. I pull into the empty driveway, good her father isn't home.

I march up to her front door and pump on it until the door flies open, her face drops when she sees me. On instinct my hand wraps around her throat as I walk into the house shutting the door behind me with my foot.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" I grit through my teeth.

Her eyes are bulging out from her skull, she looks absolutely terrified, "sh-she changed you. You h-haven't been to school an-and you've been r-rude. Like I'm n-nothing to you" she cries out.

"So you attack Billie?! Are you fucking crazy?!" I l
release my grip on her neck roughly making her stumble backwards. "I let that shit slide when you slapped her but now you're doing to fucking much!" I shout in her face.

"You're defending that bitch?! You made her cry the first day you met her but I'm doing too much?!" She shouts back shoving me.

"Touch me again Bria and I swear on everything I love, I'll kill you" I deadpan.

"Wow the girl you bully means that much to you? That you threaten me? Me, the girl you fucked whenever you was dying for some pussy? That bitch comes around and suddenly you're too good for me and the others?" Bria rants, her eyes tearing up.

I swallow the lump in my throat and refuse to say anything. I don't have to justify myself to Bria even if I have no idea what's going on with me either.

"I was there for you when you finally opened up about your mom and now you treat me like this? We all helped you pay for the place you stay at now and you ditch us for her?! What has she done for you? Huh, Sev? She's afraid of you" she chuckles humorlessly.

"You think I don't know what you and the others did for me? I don't have a problem with them. It's you" I spat. "You put your hands on her, not them. So I will only say this one time, you touch her and I'll beat your ass. Got it?" With that I storm out, not waiting for an answer.

I go back to my car and grab my phone to text Billie, letting her know that I'm picking her up in ten minutes.

I get to her house and honk the horn a few times, she came out immediately after the last honk. She came into the car but looked out the window.

"Look at me Billie" I say softly.

"What do you want Sev?" She mumbles.

"I want you to look at me, please. I didn't mean for you to get hurt" I sigh placing my hand on top of hers.

"You didn't mean for me to get hurt? Or you didn't mean for me to get hurt by her? Cuz you've hurt me a lot but now that someone else is doing it you care?" She hisses snatching her hand away.

"Billie I-"

"What?! You're what? Sorry?" Her face was redder than a tomato.

I feel my heart sink at her anger.

                                 Billie's POV

"Now you have nothing to say?!" I shout, my hand hitting the dashboard making her flinch.

She opens her mouth to speak then her face changes and her eyes focus on my mouth. Is she fucking serious right now?

"You're nose is bleeding baby" she starts doing something but I can't get past the pet name.

I feel something rough touch my nose and I snap out of it and realize she's cleaning up the blood.

"Can I take you to my house so I can take care of this?" She sighs grabbing my hand to hold the napkin in place.

I don't even know what to say, I just look at her. I guess she takes that as a silent yes and pulls off.

We get to her house fairly quickly and she helps me out of the car and guides me inside to the bathroom connected to her room.

She grabs me by the hips setting me down on the countertop, "I could've done that myself" I mutter.

She doesn't speak, Sev leaves for a few seconds and comes back with a few things. She sets down everything except a t-shirt.

"Take your shirt off" she says.

"Excuse me?" I bite back.

"You have blood on your shirt. Take it off and put on this one so I can wash yours" she explains.

I look down at my shirt and groan loudly, "well turn around."

She nods curtly before turning her back towards me. I quickly take off my shirt and put on hers before tapping her shoulder lightly. When she turns around and looks at me I see her start to smile.

"Um okay I'm just gonna switch that napkin in your nose with one of these and then you can hold the ice pack on your nose for the swelling" she says after clearing her throat.

I let her do her thing and once she's done I put the ice pack to my nose and hop off the counter. I sit on the edge of her bed and she sits right in the middle of the bed.

"Thanks" I mumble.

"Billie I'm really s-"

"Please don't apologize to me. I can't except it" I cut her off.

"Just hear me out .. please?" Her voice cracking.

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