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Billie's POV

"Hey Bil where-" I storm past my family and go straight to my room locking myself inside.

I toss my book bag aside, my phone on the bed and start getting out of my clothes. Making my way to my bathroom when I'm halfway undressed. I run the shower then face the mirror, my eyes travel down the reflection of my body.

The cluster of thin scars down the side of my stomach and thighs make me sick to my stomach. I've made myself uglier than I was before I started hurting myself a few years ago. My lip trembles at I replay every time I've cut in my head like a slide show of my life.

When I snap out of it I realize the bathroom is foggy from the steam, I adjust the water temperature letting my undergarments fall to the floor before I step in. The water hits my back and I just let the tears fall, I've been holding it in all day.

I have no idea how much time goes by before so stop crying and get out the shower. I put on some underwear and a big shirt slipping into my bed. I turn my lights off snuggling under my comforter. Staring into the dark room all I can do is think about what would have happened if Sev had seen me. Seen my stomach.

Somewhere down my rabbit hole of thoughts I fall asleep.


"Billie!" I hear a familiar voice shout my name from behind me as I walk down the hallway.

I turn around and she crashes into me making us both fall to the ground laughing.

"Damn Zoe, what's the rush" I giggle helping her stand up once I'm on my feet.

"Sorry Bil" she laughs, "come we've gotta get to class."

We walk to class with our arms locked together. My heart drops when I see Sev in the back of the classroom staring at me. I look around praying to find any empty seat somewhere away from here but of course no luck. I sit in the seat next to her and pull out my notebook to doodle and draw so I can focus on anything but her.

"Hey ocean eyes" that familiar and annoying voice startles me, I feel the blood drain from my face when I feel how close she is to me.

"What do you-"

"Better be careful how you speak. We wouldn't want you crying in front of the whole class when I hit you for talking to me like you ain't got no damn sense" she spits. "Look at me."

I take a deep breathe doing my best to mask my fear as I look up at her. Our eyes meet and a smirk immediately sneaks it's way onto her face, "you're coming with me during lunch. Meet me in the lot and don't keep me waiting." Her voice is soft yet stern, I just nod my head before looking back at my notebook.

The bell rings and someone walks in who isn't the teacher for this class.

"Hello everyone, I am Mr. Slate, you're substitute. Your teacher couldn't be here today and left no work so feel free to talk but keep the noise to a minimum" he explains.

From the corner of my eye I see a girl plant herself into Sev's lap, it's the girl who was in her lap yesterday.

"What's her deal Sev?" She tries to whisper but I can hear pretty clearly considering she's 2 feet away. Idiot.

"Don't worry about her, she's nobody important" Sev chuckles.

I hear the girl mumble something but I can't make out what she's saying then I feel a tap on my shoulder. I glance over my shoulder to see the girl.

"Are you mute or something?" She asks her voice obnoxiously loud.

"Only to people I like" I mumble.

"Oouu feisty!" She giggles, she pushes my things to the side sitting her ass on my desk.

I huff and back away from her, "can I help you with something?" I hiss.

She picks up my notebook, skimming through it, "why is your name Billie? Isn't that a b-"

"Clearly none of you dumbasses have any original jokes. I'm assuming Sev is the leader of your little posse, seeing as she used that joke the first day I got here."

Her jaw dropped, "too stupid to understand what I'm saying?" I chuckle.

"Not only are you a fucking weirdo but you're a bitch too" she smirks thinking she's actually insulted me.

"Was that supposed to hurt my feelings?" I give her a fake pout.

Before I can process what's happening, I feel a sting on my cheek.

"Yo Bria chill before you get us all in trouble" Sev grabs her arm pulling her back into her lap.

She sighs nodding in agreement with Sev. Sev and I make eye contact, she winks at me to which I roll my eyes.

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