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Sev's POV

"Sev I asked you to chill for the week" Drew says as I sit across from her.

"And I have been, so what are you talking about?" I roll my eyes.

"I heard that you smacked the new girl, Sev what if she tells the principal or her parents who call the police on you. You gotta chill, I know you can't help it but-"

Our other friends swarm the table and Drew changes the topic but I know I'll hear an earful later.

"Wassup Jay" he hugs and before sitting on the table.

I say hey to the others; Sarai, Kayla, Xavier, Noah and Bria.

Bria sits in my lap as we all talk and laugh at Kayla's stupid ass jokes. That girl never fails to make us laugh.

"Sev, have you seen that new girl? What's her name? She's one of this girls with a boy name.. what was it?" Xavier struggles to remember.

"Billie. And yeah I've seen her. What about her?"

"She's gorgeous, I'd tap that if she wasn't so quiet. She seems like a nerd" he laughs.

"You'd tap anything with legs and a pussy" Bria bites back.

"Shut the fuck up before I tell mom what you be doing in the janitors closet during gym" Xavier threatens.

"Oh hell no" I bust out laughing, "Bria you be gettin nasty in the janitors closet?"

"Bria I know your momma raised you better than that" Sarai laughs.

"Shut up Sarai, you ain't no saint either" Bria rolls her eyes.

As they all clown each other my eyes wander over to Billie, she's sitting with those kids I push around. Such a cute little group of nerds.

She must've felt me looking at her because we make eye contact and she rolls her eyes at me.

"I'll be right back" I mumble pushing Bria off my lap.

I storm over to Billie and grab her pulling her out of the cafe to a secluded hallway.

"You rolled your eyes at me?" I scoff pinning her against the wall.

"I-it was an accident" she whispers barely able to speak.

"Aww you're really scared aren't you?" I give her a fake pout.

"Meet me in the lot after school. I drive the white bmw." I say waiting for her to say okay but she doesn't.

"Okay?" I raise my voice a little making her nearly jump out of her own skin.

She nods frantically, "good and don't fucking roll your eyes at me again. Enjoy your lunch" I smile letting her free she rushes back to the cafeteria.

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