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                                   Billie's POV

"Okay who wants a drink?" Zoe does a goofy dance holding a bottle of some type of alcohol.

The others hold up there cups for her to fill but I don't, "Billie?"

"I um I don't drink" I mumble.

"Have you ever drank before?" Khalia asks after sipping her drink.

I just shake my head too embarrassed to speak.

"Here taste this, mine mixed it with Pepsi so you can't taste any alcohol" she stretches her arm out handing me the cup.

I look back and forth from the cup to her, I feel shaky and sweaty but I take a tiny sip. I relax a little.

"That wasn't as bad as I thought it would be" I chuckle.

"You can have that, I need a full cup anyway" she laughs.

"So now that we all have drinks how about some gossip, Billie -" Zoe looks at me with a sly grin, "what's up with you and Sev?"

I nearly choke on my own spit, "w-what do you mean?"

"She kidnapped you during lunch and I saw you get into her car the other day after school" Zoe says.

What do I say? Do I lie? Do I tell them that she was nice to me?

"You okay Billie?" Matt asks snapping me out of it.

"Huh? Oh y-yeah I'm fine and I don't really know what's going on. She's just likes to have me around her to bother me I guess" I take a big gulp of my drink.

"Okay moving on, Khalia I saw you staring down Sev's friend, Jay. That poor kid can't even breathe without you eye fucking him." Tristan chuckles nudging her arm.

"Ew girls don't eye fuck like guys do you pig" Khalia rolls her eyes playfully. "What about you Tris, I've seen you looking at that Sarai girl in Sev's group too."

"Not ya'll both eyeing people in Sev's group" Zoe shakes her head.

"Let's not pretend like you don't have a thing for Kayla and Sev" Alexandra laughs.

"I'm the only one who doesn't like anyone from that mean ass group" Matt laughs, we make eye contact and he winks at me.

I feel myself blush so I look anywhere but him.

"So Matty who do you like then?" Alexandra asks.

"I told you about calling me Matty, and no one at the moment" he shrugs.

"Boringgggg" Zoe mumbles making me laugh.


                                     Sev's POV

"Yo stop being stingy and pass the blunt" I playfully hit Xavier on the arm.

"Damn I forgot I was holding this shit" he laughs handing it to me.

"You're cut off for the night" Bria giggles.

"So Sev you gonna tell us why you ditched us to be with that blue haired girl?" Drew says.

"Why you wanna know my business Drew?" I inhale the smoke and blow it in her face.

"Maybe because you bullied the shit outta her the first day she got here and no you driving her around and shit" she snatches the blunt from me.

"Bitch- give that back!" I reach for it but she moves back.

"Not til' you answer me" Drew smirks.

"Why you avoiding the question? You like her or something?" Bria chimes in.

"Was I talking to you? Why you always on my dick about Billie?" I snap at Bria.

She's really been getting on my damn nerves lately.

"Whatever Sev" she rolls her eyes.

"Nah, what's your problem? You been extra annoying so what it is?! Mad I won't fuck you?" I smirk.

"Fuck you!" She mushes my head and tried to walk away.

I jump up and grab her arm pushing her into the nearest wall, "touch me again bitch and I promise you you'll regret it" I grit through my teeth.

"Sev chill, don't let her get you riled up" Jay says placing his hand on my shoulder.

I glare at his hand then at him and he drops it, I look back at Bria and she looks like she's about to cry.

"Aww are you gonna cry now?" I fake pout trying to fight back a smile. "Bitch ass" I mumble and back away from her.

I head to the bathroom when I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. I answer without even looking at who it is.

"Hello?" I groan.

"Billie here! I just wanted to call to tell you that you are a big meanie. I you thought liked me" she slurs.

"Are you drunk? And how the fuck did you get my number?"

"Doesn't matter" she says smugly.

"Billie I'm really not in the mood for this. Give your phone to whoever you're with and-"

"Billie who are you on the phone with? Give me the phone" I hear a voice in background.

"No! No!! She needs to know how mean she is!" I hear them struggle with the phone.

"Whoever this is I am so sorry, I'm keeping her phone for tonight" the girl says.

"Okay good" I sigh.

"Oh shit is this Sev?" She gasps.

I don't say anything I just hang up and sit my phone on the sink so I can finally take a piss in peace.

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