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Billie's POV

"I'm so sorry okay? Not just for what Bria did but for how I treated you" she sighs.

"I'm sorry but that's not good enough. You've been hot and cold with me since I started going to your school. I even thought you.. Never mind. I think I'm just gonna leave" I mumble.

Just before I reach her bedroom door she spins me around, pinning me against the wall.

"Sev let me go" I huff, "get off."

I go to push her off when she smashes her lips against mine. I'm in shock, when I don't kiss her back she pulls away.

"Billie I-"

I place my hand on her neck, leaning in to kiss her again. She kisses me back immediately deepening the kiss. Her hands find my hips as she moves closer, closing the little bit of space between us. 

I part my lips slightly allowing her tongue to dance with mine. I felt light and fuzzy, this is my first kiss.
After a few seconds we pull apart for air.

She smiles as her forehead rests against mine, "I was not expecting that."

I giggle, "me either." I quickly feel worry wash over me, "w-was it bad?"

"Wha- No. Was this your first.."

I nod shyly, burying me face in the crook of the neck to hide my shame.

"Don't me shy mamas" she chuckles kissing my temple. "Do you forgive me now?"

She pulls away to look at me, "hmmm... no" I shrug.

"Okay, you asked for this then" she shrugs, my brows furrow.

"What do you- ah!!" She tosses me over her shoulder and starts spinning around.

"Sev! Put me down!" I kick and scream trying not to laugh.

"Not until you forgive me" she yelled.

"Okay okay!" I laugh, panting and feeling extremely dizzy and nauseous now.

She carefully puts me down onto her bed and hovers over me.

"Now I feel sick" I roll my eyes playfully.

"You'll be fine" she smiles before pecking my cheek with her soft lips.

She trails little kisses all over my face and neck, "okay no more" I giggle.

"I really am sorry Billie" she says sincerely.

"Just don't hurt me again" I mutter.

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