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                                   Billie's POV

It is finally my favorite time of the day; lunch. I'm walking down the hallway after putting some stuff in my locker. A hand suddenly on my shoulder makes me jump and I spin around to see Sev.

"Damn it you scared the shit outta me!" I groan trying not to laugh.

"Why so jumpy?" She laughs, "would your friends mind if I steal you for lunch? I wanna introduce you to my friends."

I'm taken back by her request, she wants me to meet her friends. I thought she'd go back to being a dick to me with them around.

"Um no I don't think they'll mind" I shrug.

"Good" she smirks, grabbing my hand as we walk to the cafeteria.

When we get to her table I go to sit next to her but she pulls me onto her lap instead. As her friends approach the table they stop their conversations to look at us.

"The fuck are y'all staring at?" Sev breaks the silence.

"This is the new girl we heard so much about?" A guy with curly hair and nerdy but stylish glasses smiles brightly. "I'm Xavier, nice to meet you beautiful" he winks.

I feel my cheeks heat up involuntarily, he must be the charmer of the group.

Sev places her hands on my thighs, squeezing protectively "get that goofy ass grin off your face, she doesn't wanna fuck you" she scoffs.

"Damn Sev, I've never seen you so stingy with a girl before" a girl chimes in we make eye contact and I immediately feel insecure. She's gorgeous.

"Hey Billie, its about time Sev brought you to meet us" she giggles, "I'm Sarai."

"Hi" I smile shyly.

"Aww she's so adorable I wanna scoop her up and carry her around in my pocket" another guy coos. "I'm Jay by the way" he runs his hands through his hair.

"Ignore Jay, he's a fucking loser" a girl with wavy red hair chimes in throwing something at Jay.

"Bil, this is my favorite one, Drew" she says referring the the red headed girl, "that's Bria." She points to a pretty girl who's facial expression looks like she smells shit. That's the girl who used to sit where I'm sitting."

"Hey" she rolls her eyes.

"Anyway, the Melanie Martinez knock off over here is Kayla" the girl smacks Sev's arm repeatedly.

"Ignore Sev, she's a dick" she smirks at me.

I giggle a little, "and this is Noah" he looks me up and down slightly making me uncomfortable but flashes me a smile.

"So Billie, how you liking it here? Besides Sev's tormenting" Drew asks.

"It's not that bad, I've made my own little group of friends which is more than I've had before" I say.

"Judging by where you're sitting I'm assuming you're Sev's new fuck toy" Bria snickers.

"Bria cut it out!" Xavier orders.

"What? I'm just playing around, no hard feelings right, Billie?" She looks at me innocently.

"So Sarai, you're hair is so beautiful" I smile changing the topic.

"I'm pretty sure I asked you a fucking question" Bria snaps at me.

"I know and I ignored you perfectly fine the first time" I shrug.

Xavier stands up and grabs Bria's arm roughly pulling her up from her seat, "we'll be right back" he grits through his teeth.

While the group bombards me with questions I notice from the corner of my eye, Xavier and Bria having a heated conversation. I can feel her scowling at me every so often.

"Billie, is everything okay?" Jay asks.

"Y-yeah I'm just tired, this day is going my so slow" I chuckle.

"You guys wanna ditch, we can all chill at my place. Order so real food and chill" Noah says.

"I don't really like ditching school" I bite my lip nervously.

"Come on Billie please?" Jay pokes out his bottom lip; pouting at me with pleading folded hands.

"Yeah come on it'll be fun" Kayla says, "and we won't invite Bria" she says a little lower.

"Come on Billie it'll be fun, plus you could take a nap" Sarai smiles.

"Please Bil" Sev whispers in my ear moving her hands higher up my thighs.

My breath hitches, "o-okay sure" I mumble.

"Great let's go, somebody text X and let him know he can come but to leave his mean ass sister here" Kayla giggles.

"They're siblings?" I ask without thinking.

"Yeah I know it's hard to tell, they don't have the same father but Xavier looks just like his dad and Bria looks exactly like her mother" Sarai explains.

"Gotcha" I nod curtly.

As we're walking out I make eye contact with Zoe, she mouths 'text me' and I nod before waving bye.

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