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                                      Sev's POV

I rush out of my bedroom and to the front door, damn she's quick. I see her running down the block so I chase after her and once I'm close enough I wrap my arms around her.

"Let me go Sev!" She kicks and screams but I toss her over my shoulder and walk back to my house.

Once I get into my house and close the door I march up to my room and toss her on my bed before running to lock my bedroom door.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" She shouts her face turning a light shade of pink.

I don't say anything which is a bad idea because I think I just made her madder.

"Nothing to say now?! You tell me to get out and then drag me back here, why?!" She snaps, her blue eyes filled with rage and disgust.

I get this agonizing tinge in my chest that deregulates my breathing, I open my mouth to speak but stop when I feel my lip tremble. I can't believe that look she's giving me is hurting me.

That look on her face brings back awful memories of the way my mother used to look at me when she-

Billie's POV

The anger I feel quickly fades when I see the look on Sev's face, my fists unclench as I step closer to her.

"Sev?" I say softly, it's like she's looking right through me.

"I'm sorry okay?" She mumbles her eyes now looking at the floor to avoid eye contact.

"What's wrong?" I reach out to touch her but she takes a small step back.

"Nothing .. um nothing I didn't mean to be so harsh okay? I woke you up because I felt bad, I didn't purposely let you sleep to skip school" she explains.

"O-oh. I'm sorry I flipped out.." I mumble before taking my bottom lip between my teeth.

"You can go now if you want, I just wanted to tell you that" she says softly now looking into my eyes.

"Um.." I scan her body and reach for the pocket of her sweats. I take out her phone and put it up to her face to unlock it. I type in my number and save it under 'Bil' and hand it back to her. "Text me later, I'll s-see you tomorrow."

She nods curtly and I walk past her and out of her house.

When I home I notice no one is home so I just head to my room.

"Ugh!" I groan as I bellyflop onto my bed.

I can't even begin to process what happened at Sev's house, the way her face changed when I got really angry kind of broke my heart. I've never seen Sev like that. It was like looking at a whole new person. She's usually so tough and obnoxious, maybe she's opening up to me without realizing it.

"Yeah I'm going to bed" I mumble to myself.

I kick off my shoes, slip out of my sweats and hop into bed in just my big t-shirt and underwear. The bra had to come off; gotta let the girls breathe. I put on some random kid movie on Netflix and drift off to sleep.


It's been a week since I last hung out alone with Sev, I haven't even seen her around school at all.

I go to my second period class as usually and find my  go-to seat in the back of the class, someone walks past me bumping into me hard. I scoff and look up to see Bria, to which I internally roll my eyes.

She pulls up a chair awfully close to me, "what did you do to Sev?"

Her voice laced with abhorrence, I take a deep breath before I respond to this evil bitch.

"I don't know what you're talking about" I deadpan, not even respecting her enough to look her in the eyes as I speak.

"She's been extra rude to me and she hasn't been in school since she ditched us for you during lunch a week ago" she rolls her eyes.

"I'm not Sev's keeper, if you wanna know what's wrong with her go ask her yourself" I bite back.

She's quiet so I assumed she was done bothering me until my face connect with my desk making a loud smacking sound. My eyes water as my face quickly begins to throb. I feel my nose leaking, I wipe my upper lip and look at my now bloody fingers.

"Ms. Fowler!! Principal's office now!" The teacher shouts at the top of her lungs.

My vision becomes hazy, "Ms. Eilish come with me to the nurse's office. Class write down the notes on the bored while I am gone." Ms. Garcia helps me stand and walks me out of the classroom.

When we reach the nurse's office, the female nurse gasps at the sight of me.

"My god! What happened?" She says scrambling to get me some tissues.

She tilts my head back and pushes the tissue onto my nose, "one of my other students bashed her face into the desk" Ms. Garcia scoffs.

"Why would someone do that to you honey bun?" The nurse asks me.

"I-I don't know" I mumble.

"I have to head back for my class but I email you the other studies information for you to fill out a form and send to the principal. Feel better Ms. Eilish." Ms. Garcia rubs my shoulder before heading out.

"Just have a seat here, sugar, and I'll get you some ice for the swelling" I sit on the edge of a bed the looks like one of those hospital beds.

She scurries to a back room, I hear some thing slam shut and then she comes back out with ice cubes in a zip lock bag. She rest the bag on my face and placed my other hand on top of it to hold it in place.

"Just lie back and relax while I call you parents" she smiles warmly before going to sit at her desk.

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