S1 Episode 8: Don't Ph34r The Reaper

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We cut with the reds as they watch the tank as it points its cannon at Grif then to Simmons and then Callan

Grif: Why is just sitting there?

Simmons: Just trying to mess with our heads

Callan: Or something else

Simmons: Let's get back to the warthog

We cut to a view of Shelia's hud as she continues to look at the reds while talking to Caboose

Sheila: "This tank is equipped with an auto-sequence that can be activated by pressing the auto-fire button"

Caboose: Auto-fire... auto-fire... here, here! No, wait... Okay, that's more of a switch than a button

(Meanwhile: With The Reds)

Simmons: Okay, you ready? Let's do this on three. One

Grif: Wait! On there? Or three and then go?

Simmons: On three. It's always faster to go on three

Grif: Okay! Okay! On three!

(Meanwhile: With Caboose)

Caboose: Here! "Clicks a button"

Sheila: "Tutorial deactivated. Auto-fire sequence activated"

(Meanwhile: With The Reds)

Simmons: Ready?

(Meanwhile: With Caboose)

Shelia: "Acquiring target"

(Meanwhile: With Church And Tucker)

Church: (Looks at Tucker) I'm going to the jeep. Cover me

With the reds as they continue to look at the tank while Grif slowly walks towards the puma

Simmons: Two...

We cut to Shelia's HUD where we see her aim the cannon at Grif

Shelia: "Target locked"

With Grif running as fast as he can to the puma

Grif: (Heavily panting) Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit

We then cut to Church running towards the puma

Simmons: Three!

Callan and Simmons turn around to see Grif running toward the puma

Simmons/Callan: Oh, you back-stabbing cockbite!/ That mother fucker!

Shelia: "Firing main cannon"

A tank shell fires as it passes Callan and Simmons before hitting the warthog and flipping it


Simmons: (Ducks) Son of bitch!

(Meanwhile: With Grif)


(Meanwhile: With Church)

Church: SON OF BITCH! (Runs back)

(Meanwhile: With Simmons And Callan)

Shelia: "Firing main cannon"


Simmons: Shit!

Callan and Simmons run away as Shelia fires another shell

Shelia: "Firing main cannon"

Shelia fires another shell as both, Grif, Callan, and Simmons run for their lives

Simmons: Shit, god dammnit!

Shelia: "Firing main cannon"

Sheila fires another shell as we cut back to Church running back to the cliff meeting with Tucker

Tucker: Hey dude. The jeep blew up!

Church: No kidding! Thanks for the update, Tucker!

We cut to Callan, Simmons, and Grif hiding behind a rock as Sheila fired another shell at the rock

Simmons: (Mocking Grif) Hey, I have a great idea. Let's get out of the jeep, and sneak around the back of the rock. Great plan you idiot!

Cut to Sheila's HUD

Sheila: "All targets eliminated. Acquiring new target"

With Church And Tucker, we see Church standing in the open looking at the tank below him

Church: Hey, Tucker! look at this, man. It's the rookie! And he brought the tank out to scare off the Re

Tucker: What? No way!

Church: (Shouts at Caboose) Hey, rookie, good job, man! Why didn't you tell us you knew how to drive the tank?

Sheila: (Begins to aim the cannon at Church) "New target acquired"

Caboose: That's not a target. That's Church

Church: Yeah, that's right, it's me, Church! What's going on, man?

Sheila: (Aims at Church) "Target locked"

Caboose: What? No! Target unlock! Unlock! Please help me, nice lady!

Sheila: "Firing main cannon"

Caboose: Uh-oh

(Meanwhile: With Tucker)

Tucker: Uh-oh

(Meanwhile: With Church)

Church: What? (Realizes) Oh son of bi-

Sheila fires a shell and hits Church sending him into the air before Church then lands back on the cliff face-planted

Tucker: Holy fuck! Church, are you okay?

No Response

Tucker: Talk to me! Church! (Looks at Caboose) You shot Church, you team killing fucktard!

(Meanwhile: With The Reds)

We cut to Callan peeping his head out of the rock as he just witnessed what just happened

Callan: Holy shit!

Simmons: What? What happened?

Callan: That blue guy driving the tank just killed their own teammate

Grif: Huh.....Neat

(Meanwhile: With The Blues)

Sheila: "Auto-Fire sequence deactivated"

The cannon looks down and we cut back to Church's body

Church: (Barely alive) Tucker...Tucker!

Tucker: Church! It's going to be okay, man!

Church: (Slowly dying) No...I...I'm not-I'm not gonna make it...Tucker...There's something I need to tell you

Tucker: What is it?

Church: (Nearly dead) I just want you to know...I always hated you. I always hated you the most

Tucker: Yeah, I know you did. Now hurry up and die, you prick

Church: Okay. Hrrrrrk...Blegh!

Church dies and the screen cuts to black


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