S1 Episode 11: Knock, Knock. Who's there? Pain

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Blueflameknight: Previously on Red Vs Blue

Tucker: We called in for backup from Command. Command offered us a blue soldier in two weeks. We say that's to long. Command offers us a freelancer named Texas. We said yes. Church comes back as a ghost. Told us about Tex, and why he never got married. Also warned about something. I forgot what it was

Blueflameknight: Now onto the chapter


(Red Base)

We cut outside of Red base where we see Callan and Lopez fixing the warthog which is flipped by the way. We also see Sarge and Griff standing next to the warthog as repair tools can be heard in the background

Grif: And then I thought, you know, we could sneak around the side while they were hiding behind the rock, but, uh, well, that's when the tank showed up and... shit just started blowin' up. I don't know.

Sarge: "Sigh" Grif...Do you have any godly idea how much this piece of equipment

Grif: I-I don't know, like, uh, what... ten, t-ten- twenty, twenty-five bucks, maybe? 

Callan: Ninety

Grif: (Looks at Callan) Ninety bucks?

Callan: Ninety thousand dollars!

Grif: Uh...(Looks at Sarge)You're gonna kill me now, aren't you

Sarge: Tell you what, Grif. I'm a fair man. I'll give you a ten-second head start before I let Callan and Lopez do anything they want to you

Callan and Lopez stop crouching and drop their tools on the ground. Callan grabs his magnum from his side and starts to reload the pistol

Grif: "Gulp" Guys, I just want you to know, I'm really, really sorry here and-

Sarge: Five Mississippi

Lopez grabs his assault rifle and aims it at Grif

Sarge: Six Mississippi

Grif: (Slowly backs away) Okay, uh, I guess I better get going then

Callan looks at Sarge

Sarge: Do it now Callan

Callan and Lopez look at each other before nodding and starts to fire on Grif

Grif: (In the background) Hey guys, that's not funny! Somebody could get hurt here.

Callan: Don't care!

Sarge: Keep firing on him, boys. I gotta grab my camera

(Meanwhile: Blue Base)

On top of Blue Base, we see Tex shooting something while Tucker stands next to Tex

Tucker: That's basically it, sir. They have six guys over there, huge rocket launcher and a big jeep

Tex: And your flag (Reloads Magnum)

Tucker: Right, that too.

Tex then throws a grenade at something as it explodes in the distance

Tucker: Uh, hey, Tex? I don't know what it's been like at your other bases, but we try not to use other soldiers as target practice here

The camera moves to the right where we see Tex has been firing at Caboose

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