Chapter One

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The people I worked with were never the nicest people. Over the years of my stay in Inazuma I had many jobs in a few different industries such as food, cleaning, physical labour... and of course the Shrine.

I just never thought I would be framed for murder so they could save their own skin...

My breathing was loud and uneven from the sheer pace of my running. I was late as usual so I hurrie up Mount Yougo, praying to the gods like a foolish person, that I wouldn't be late... I really needed to try fix my sleep schedule before I got fired-

"Ah Y/N, late again I, see?"

"I bet she wouldn't get up, as usual~"

The voices of two of my shrine maiden friends called out as I ran by. "Sorry Myuki, Ryouji! can't talk right now but I'll catch you both for lunch later though?"

"Course! We'll see you at the usual spot, try not to get in trouble!" Miyuki replied whilst Ryouji simply nodded and smiled.

"I'll try but you know I can't guarantee! See you both later!" I saluted in their direction before focusing my attention back on the two flights of stairs I still had left.

Miyuki and Ryouji had been my best friends for as long as I could remember working here, which was coming up on a few months. There used to be four of us a while ago, but Miyukis little sister had left when she was around 16 and we were all around 17.

Thinking about Shinobu now, I hadn't seen her since she left actually. I was under the impression she didn't like it here too much due to the less than likeable to some, Guuji Yae. It was a little less lively since it was just the three of us now, but we were doing well enough on our own.

A few more minutes of running later and I had finally made it to the top of the shrines abnormally long staircase. Breathing a sigh of relief I relaxed, there was no way I was late after that.

"Why the hell isn't there an easier way up that damn mountain around here-"

I bent over to catch my breath and mutter complaints to myself, still relishing in my victory. A quick examination of the surrounding area showed me with relief that Yae Miko was nowhere in sight.

"Y/N, Miko wants to see you in her office... Now please."

"God dammit."

I groaned as I heard the authorative voice of one of my superiors, ripping the freedom from my grasp.

"Yes miss, right away."

I faked a smile as she smirked at my annoyed expression.

"There's no need to be so rude to me just because your life is miserable."  I muttered so she couldn't hear, but her brows still frowned at what was obviously an insult.

I stalked away from her, annoyed at how blatantly happy she was.  "It's not my fault you're practically handing me reasons to give out to you on a silver plate~"

I completely ignored her and kept walking; just in case I allowed my anger to get the better of me. The other shrine maidens were never discreet about their reasons for hating me. My parents were born and bred Snezhnayans and they were so blatantly scared of my "Fatui Blood".

I mean my family had been involved with the Fatui a lot, but I had never even been to Snezhnaya. Seeing as I had come here when I was nought but a toddler.

It really bothers me how rude other people are to Snezhnayans. Of course, they had their reservations I understand. But that's no excuse to just hate every single one of us?

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