Chapter Eleven

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Warning! (Smut)

When I awoke I had no clue what time it even was. The only thing that mattered was the steady up and down of Scaramouches chest. I just wish I knew what he went through, I mean judging by his reaction to Yae Miko, there was a lot more to this story than what I knew.

Turning over on my side I soaked in every ounce of Scaramouches usually very perfect appearance. His hair was askew and messy and his eye makeup was slightly smeared and faded from what I can only assume were tears he hadn't allowed me to see.

It's hard to know that someone who could've been so kind was somehow brought to this. No friends, barely anyone to talk to, a general disregard for his own existence, and even going as far as to call himself heartless. I used to be scared of all the stories I heard people tell about him, but now I just wanted to be there for him because he deserved more than most ungrateful people in this world.

He stirred and opened one of his eyes to look at me before closing it and groaning, rolling over so he could push his head into the pillows. "Morning-" I  smiled softly at the second groan of acknowledgment to what I said. "Hey I was thinking we could go do something today, like just something for fun so you can take your mind off all this?"

He turned back around and sat up which gave me a real good look at his disheveled sleepy state. "Like what?" His voice was slightly scratchy but he seemed interested enough. "Well there's a small festival happening in the city today that will have some stalls up if you wanted to go?"

He looked to the side and had this look on his face like he wanted to say something. "I mean I would like to but im not exactly prime festival companion material-" I narrowed my eyes at his bitter expression, "Nu uh, no more of this feeling sorry for yourself. You're going with me wether you like it or not. I'm gonna go get a shower see you in a few!"

"Hey wait a minute I just said-" before he could even finish his sentence I jumped up and walked to the bathroom, closing the door shut and listening as he flopped back onto the bed and muttered curses to himself.  I got my shower and quickly dried myself off, wrapping the towel around me as I went to reach for my clothes.

I groaned in annoyance as I remembered I hadn't set them out last night as I was preoccupied with Scaramouches... situation. After a moment passed I decided to just walk out with the towel on since i doubted he would be that upset. I stepped out into the bedroom and walked over towards the desk mirror without saying a word.

Scaramouche looked up as I walked in, instantly his eyes drunk in the sight of my body that was protected from him by nothing but a towel. He was standing over by the closet and was putting on a new black vest top but as I stood there scrunching my hair and drying it I failed to notice him slinking over to me.

"Watcha doing?" I screamed as his voice sounded right next to my ear. "Holy hell what is wrong with you." I glared at him as he laughed his ass off. "Be lucky I didn't do something more drastic, you can't just walk in here wearing nothing but a towel and expect me to behave... Can you?" I ignored him and went back to fixing my hair.

"What your not going to speak to me now?" I glared at him through the mirror but refused to speak. "I wouldn't do that if I were you." A part of me knew he wouldn't do anything, but another part was reasoning that he would.

"Your not going to do anything and we both know it." I mocked his tone from earlier and turned around to face him. We stood there staring at each other for a few agonising minutes, until he moved forward and kissed me.

This kiss was much like the one from yesterday, except this time there was a hint of desperation and longing in his voice, I felt the sheer strength of his body as he kissed me and pushed back against me with an astronomical amount of desire and lust.

His Puppet (Scaramouche x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now