Chapter Four

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I woke up the next morning to an extremely sore back. It hurt like hell but I had the bigger problem of figuring out what was going on with The Balladeer, I mean he beat me half to death yesterday and then decides to show me compassion? Honestly what the hell us up with this guy... I needed to know why he would take pity on me after he did all that.

I turned over and saw he was still sleeping. I could suffocate him in his sleep? No, I mean I doubt I'd get very far before he simply electrocuted me off him... I guess I could go make some breakfast for us. I mean he was most likely gonna ask me to make something for him anyway.

True he wasn't the nicest but maybe a good start to the day would improve his mood even a smidge... Plus any options that involved hurting him were ruled out by him being a Harbinger, and me a very physically weak person with no vision-

Deciding to choose the food option I carefully got out of bed, testing the damage of my body in the process. Honestly I couldn't feel any lasting damage on me but it still hurt a lot. I glanced back to make sure that he was in-fact still asleep before quietly tiptoeing out of his room.

I softly closed the door shut thinking I was finally alone, but when I turned around I saw a tall black haired male staring at me, eyes blown wide in surprise. Looking down at myself I realised how bad this looked. A girl wearing nothing but a mid length black dress and messy hair stepping out of a harbingers bedroom this early in the morning.

I blushed at my own insinuation and combed through my hair with my fingers quickly "Whatever your thinking, trust me this is not what it looks like-" the man simply chuckled and shook his head before walking away.

I cursed under my breath but decided that i would probably never see that man again anyway so it would be best to focus on finding the kitchen. I immediately set off down the right hallway trying to find the place in question.

After about ten minutes I was ready to give up, I mean any of the maids I talked to simply looked down on me before ignoring my existence and walking away. Oh I would love to see their faces when they found out I was of much higher status than they would ever be.

As I wandered around glaring at all the maids I eventually  noticed the same  tall gentleman with glasses walking down the hall towards me, his nose buried in some papers. "Uh Sir, Sir!" He looked up and stopped as I ran over to him, grinning before he spoke.

"Oh It's you again. Do you need something my dear?" I blushed at the fact he probably still thought I had fucked The Balladeer. "I was wondering if you could tell me where the kitchen is, I'm trying to make some breakfast." He looked around before focusing on a hallway behind us.

"If you go down that hall just turn right and there's a little stairwell that leads straight to a kitchen." I sighed in relief and smiled up at the man "Thank you so much, I'm terribly sorry to bother you I'll be on my way now!" He smiled again before resuming his walk down the hallway. "Oh uh one more thing." I turned around to look at him as he also turned back.

"Next time be more careful as you sneak out of my colleagues room... and honestly choose a better colleague." He grinned as he walked away from me and I couldn't help but smile slightly. I guess everyone hated him, even the other Harbingers.

After a few minutes I walked into the surprisingly cosy kitchen. Looking around I could see almost every ingredient in existence was well stilled up in here. "Well Scaramouches room has a bunch of Inazuman decor. This most likely means he's from there, so maybe he might want a local specialty?" Speaking out loud to myself had become a bad habit as of recently.

"That's some sound logic right there." I screeched from the surprise of another person being here. Placing my hand on my heart as they laughed. "Sorry! I didn't mean to scare you I just couldn't help myself when you were so focused~" the voice was that of a males.

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