Chapter Fifteen

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The next morning I woke up up and holy hell was I sore. I rolled over and groaned as I sat up and tried to get my eyes familiar with the light now pouring into the room. "Morning." I heard a voice beside me and looked over to see Scara lying there and staring at me with a smug sleepy grin on his face. "Oh shut up." He laughed and pulled me back down, wrapping his arms around me and holding me there.

"It's crazy to think just a little under a month ago you tried to kill me, and now your scarily attached to me?" I grinned at him and he rolled his eyes at my comment. "If you're expecting an apology you aren't getting one. I've tried to scare all of you off but unfortunately your all dumbasses and somehow Childe survived. Don't blame me now that you have what you wanted." He sounded defensive and I knew he did feel bad, but I also knew his pride wouldn't allow him to apologise.

"Well I won't lie and say I wasn't into it~" he grinned again and opened a single eye to look at me before closing it again and pushing his head up against the pillows on his bed. "As much as im loving this moment though, I desperately need some breakfast and I'm pretty sure I can smell pancakes." I looked up at him expectantly and cheered when he groaned and sat up.

"Fine but wait for me to atleast look somewhat decent." He got up and walked into the bathroom while I stood up and walked over to the closet, I was wobbling slightly but not like a baby deer atleast. "First of all shut the fuck up you are always more than decent looking, and second of all, your actually gonna come to breakfast with all of us this time!?"

I examined some of the marks on my arms after I got dressed in my usual attire of Scaramouches clothes. I decided on trying to cover them all up with some concealer I found lying around. A chuckle came from the bathroom and Scaramouche stepped out, his hair brushed and fresh clothes on. "Yeah no, I'm going to breakfast with you. Unfortunately those liabilities just happen to also be there."

I frowned and walked over to the doorway where he was standing. "Stop lying to yourself, you know deep down your grateful for your weird little psychopath family." He ignored me but I could see a small smile grace his lips as we left the room to go have breakfast.

We entered the small kitchen dining space, I saw almost all the Harbingers were there. I knew Dottore had only got back from Sumeru this morning so he wasn't there yet, and Pulcinella didn't usually eat with us, but everyone else was here. When we walked in immediately Arlecchino was up in our faces.

"What happened, are you okay? Scaramouche what the hell was that last night, you better not have hurt her." A snort came from the other side of the kitchen counter and we all looked over to see Childe trying not to laugh with water dripping down his chin from laughing, and Columbina looking away giggling. "What, what's so funny?" Arlecchino demanded as she turned to face the two who were laughing.

"What is going on here??" I laughed at whatever was going on as Scaramouche sat down on a stool opposite Childe, wearily eyeing everyone. "I asked them if they knew what happened with you last night and now they won't stop laughing?!" I went bright red as I realised Columbina and Childe probably heard us last night.

The door opened behind me and I turned to see a tired Dottore entering the room, I waved at him and he smiled and waved back before walking over to Pantalone and initiating conversation with him. "Arlo don't tell me you didn't hear them last night?" Childe could barely speak between laughing but as soon as I heard him my face heated up and I looked up at Scaramouche whose face was also tinted pink despite his stoic expression.

"No I didn't, what is going on?" Childe began full on laughing as Columbina tried to not fall off the stool she was on. "Arlo they were fucking for like an hour, how the hell did you not hear them!?" I groaned and pushed my head into my hands, sitting down on the stool beside Scaramouche as the laughter continued.

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