Final Chapter

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My world was dead. It was literally the only way of describing everything. We had got word soon after bringing his body to Dottores lab that the attack had been contained and defeated. It should've been a victory but it didn't feel like one.

He was basically dead. Dottore worked tirelessly to try revive him and despite being able to almost fully fix his physical being, his conscious would not awaken and he was in a coma like state but worse. Everyone else was given hope but Dottore didn't want to fool me.

"Y/N I'm not going to lie, his physical body was so internally damaged that I'm not sure he will ever wake up. I know you were closer to him than anyone here which is why I wouldn't feel right lying to you..." at the time I nodded and thanked him, smiling and pretending I was okay.

But alone in our room, all I've done is sit on our bed and cry. This was our room. Our bed. Our life. I look around every now and then, remembering all the small sweet gestures he's done in this room. And a fresh wave of tears rolls down my cheeks each time.

Two knocks sound on the door and I am rudely pulled from my thoughts. Before I can deny entry or at-least make myself look like I wasn't crying, the door opens and someone enters the room. "Y/N?" Columbina walks in and sees me curled up in the sheets crying. She immediately walks over to me, a pitied expression in her eyes as she sits down on the bed.

"You can't stay in here forever you know..." she takes a piece of my hair and pushes it behind my ear in a motherly fashion. "I just don't know what to do... I mean I had a reason for everything I did before, there was thought behind every step..."

I sit up and ramble as she sits there, fully attentive to everything I'm saying. "But?" My lip trembles and my eyes blur from the sight of new tears. "But now everything just seems so pointless..." my words come out in a mumble as I frustratedly rub the tears from my eyes.

I harshly rubbed at my eyes until she grabbed my hands "your eyes are all red your gonna break skin darling, I think this is all a bit overwhelming right now." I mean she was right, but I just didn't wanna cry anymore.

It was your fault that you weren't strong enough to stay and help...

"I want to see him" her eyes widened and her hand retracted quickly "Y/N you know that Dottore said-" "I don't give a fuck Columbina please?! None of you will let me see him and yet you all expect me to just move on and have hope that he will wake up one day."

Her mouth closed and she swallowed, I stared deep into her eyes and she sighed. "You know I always seem to get in trouble around you." She stood up and motioned for me to follow her, my eyes lit up and I tried to clear my blurry vision by blinking as I too stood up.

We left his room and I gently closed the door, glancing around sadly at all his trinkets that I'd never get to learn about now. We quietly walked to Dottores lab, trying not to get caught as we walked. "Now Y/N I need to prepare you for the fact that he looks like he's in really bad shape but I swear he's stable. The trauma to his body has been unable to heal due to his unconsciousness so the gaping wound in his heart is still there... We all freaked the first time we saw it."

My head whipped forward so quick that she jumped slightly, "So you mean to say everyone has seen him except me?" I narrowed my eyes and she sighed
"Y/N you tried to break your vision you were that upset. We had to hide it in Scaramouches room till you calmed down and even now you refuse to wear it."

I swallowed my words and just stared at the back of her head. I knew she was right but I was still angry at everyone, I just wanted closure at this point. I just wanted to be able to look at his lifeless body and tell myself that he isn't coming back.

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