Chapter Ten

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The doors to Tenshukaku split open by an apparent unforeseen force. It was frighteningly ominous how they fell apart gracefully, revealing the dark corridors of the inner castle.

As I turned to look at my companion, I recognised that he didn't really look frightened. He honestly looked more worried and anxious than anything else.

I still didn't know much besides the fact that she  abandoned him, but I assumed he was worried he was gonna feel the same way he felt back then... which must have been terrible?

"Hey, I understand it's a hard thing to have to face someone we loved that hurt us so much... But you need to face her, she needs to see that your no longer hurt by her because she isn't even part of your life anymore alright?" I tried reassuring him as we waited for the guard to allow us in.

He was a tall fellow, proudly bearing the shogunate uniform as the midday sun bounced of the metal lining. When we had approached the doors he informed us that the Shogun would be ready to see us soon.

"Thank you for being here Y/N. I mean I don't even know why your still nice to me after all the shit I did and continue to do? It's very obvious I want you to hate me, but you put too much trust in me changing..." he trailed off as if he himself was mystified by the notion.

"Well you may be violent, rude, obnoxious, and mean. But your also honest, unknowingly caring, empathetic and smart. I don't want you to change, you don't need to change. You just need to figure out who you want to be and stop trying to be what others want."  His eyes shone with something that seemed a mix of amazement and validation.

"Everyone has Bad traits, amazing traits, terrible traits, and good traits. It doesn't mean that they define us as a person it just means we can be a little intolerable at times-" he released a breath that sounded like a laugh as he glanced backwards towards the sky.

"Someone should put some of the shit you say on inspirational posters honestly-" I wacked his hat down with my hand and grinned at his annoyed expression. "You know the hat doesn't add to your height~"

"Shut the fuck up I'm literally taller than you." I wrinkled my nose in annoyance. "By like an inch. Don't get too big for your boots." He smirked down at me in satisfaction of his victory. "That's what I thought, be a good bitch and shut up." I rolled my eyes but smiled and fell silent, turning to the doors right on time to see the guard reappear.

"She's waiting for you in the usual place Kunikuzushi." Came a females voice from inside, I recognised the voice and my eyes narrowed immediately. The tall figure of Yae Miko stepped out into the sun and I gripped my hands together tightly to stop myself from saying anything.

"What are you doing here?" Scaras snarling voice made me almost smirk over the fact that we equally disliked this woman. "I was visiting Ei but that's really not the topic of discussion I'm choosing today, I see you two finally realise a real relationship can come from this charade."

My mind blanked as I racked my brain for some semblance of a reasonable reply. "Wait what?" Scaramouche paused his hostility momentarily to also question the meaning of her words.

"Oh you cant possibly not see how alike you both are, surely? I mean its painfully obvious thats why I framed Y/N for that murder? I knew the Fatui were gonna want to question her." I glared at her.

"Your lucky I no longer give a fuck about any of that or else I might have actually tried to kill you. Now run along back to your little girlfriend or leave. Some of us have better things to do all day than pretend we do our job." Scaramouche looked unbelievably proud at that.

"You really are a psychopath, you belong with these degenerate Fatui." With that she glared at us both before retreating back down the stone steps. "I've never heard you be so rude before, I like it!" He gave me an approving chuckle as I looked down at Yae Miko. "I guess your rubbing off on me, plus she's right about one thing at-least." I muttered to myself thinking on her words about us.

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