Chapter Eight

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We were halfway down the hill and things had been agonisingly quite. I longed to say something to him, to ask him why he said that? To ask him why he did that? Like to be fair I knew why I just didn't understand why he chose that of all things as his excuse.

He had looked back at me once or twice as if he wanted to say something, but like me he was too deep in thought to settle on the needed words. It was weird seeing this side of him to be honest. We hadn't even known each other for a month but I knew him more than I knew anyone else, well I definitely knew enough to tell this behaviour was out of character anyway.

"Why did you say that?" the words were out of my mouth before I could rethink them and he had already glanced back at me indicating he had heard. He looked mad and annoyed but chose to stay silent for a minute.

"I don't know. Also you don't have the authority to speak to me like that, don't think that because I'm being civil were equals." His tone suggested he was done with this conversation but I was clearly not. Why the hell did this guy have to be such an asshole?

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean? We've barely known each other for a week, and yet that's the first excuse you think of? I honestly thought we were becoming friends." He glared back at me again, clearly his fuse was shortening.

"Just fucking drop it I said I don't know? Stop speaking to me like that, why do you have to be so persistent and annoying." This was starting to really annoy me, I wanted an answer and I was gonna get it.

My hand flew up to hit him in my annoyed fit. I honestly thought he might have caught it or deflected it but my palm landed harshly on the back of his head causing him to immediately stop and turn towards me.

His eyes were livid and his expression was full of rage. "Do you actually have a death wish!? You know what no, that's the last fucking straw I'm done being nice to you." He grabbed my arm and quickened his pace down the hill, dragging my stumbling form along with him.

"THAT WAS YOU BEING NICE??" Maybe it was the fact that I was so mad but I was getting pretty brave with this talking back. "Well compared to what I currently have planned yes, that was angelic behaviour trust me."

"And what happened to the guy I spoke with on the boat? What happened to the guy who was able to be nice to me? To the scared man who just wanted to have a nice, civil conversation?!"

"That's enough. Clearly that was a mistake because you are not worthy of knowing anything about me or my past." I laughed out loud and I felt his grip tighten to a bone crushing degree of force.

"So now what, are you going to do, kill me? And how exactly do you expect to explain the death of the Tsaritsas precious little project to the others!" I felt like the longer I spent with this man the more psychotic I became. I would never have dared speak to him like this a week ago...

He laughed but didn't look at me. "Your going to wish I did just kill you after this." No matter what insults or digs I threw his way after that, he refused to say anything else as we finally made it to the docks.

A soldier stood there clearly awaiting Scaramouches return. "Nadia, where are the others?" He was acting very strange and weird, he seemed much more nervous compared to just a moment ago. I was unaware of what was happening.

"Do not be alarmed sir, the others have made their way back to Snezhnaya due to an unforeseen issue in the form of Dottore." I audibly gasped at this earning a glare from Scara. "Dottore? Define unforeseen issue."

"He departed on a boat this morning, making his way to Sumeru. No one is aware of why though." Scaramouche looked thoughtful for a second before nodding his head.

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