Chapter Nine

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It was around 1am when I felt myself jolt awake from the force of a nightmare. I could feel the sweat clinging to my body as I swung my legs out of the bed to alleviate some warmth. Taking in my surroundings, I calmed as I came down from the high adrenaline rush.

"What's wrong with you?" A groan escaped me as I pushed my hands into my hair and flopped backwards into the bed, ignoring him. I felt the bed dip as he sat down, poking me and causing my body to flinch and jerk from the ticklish feeling.

"What do you waaaaaant?" I drawled out the a, iterating that I was not in the mood. "Just wanna know what happened, I'm after sleeping on a couch for you the least you could do is be civil." I peeked out from behind my hands and blushed once again at his outfit.

It was simply a black vest top and shorts but they were tight fitting, and actually showed off his well built physique. His hair was also extremely fluffy and messy from an attempt at sleeping I assumed, regardless I found it super cute. "When your done staring, Once again I would love to know what happened."

"I-uh.... Your gonna think it's stupid." I mumbled but he heard it anyway. "I think everything's stupid so my opinion isn't really helpful here?" I sat up and faced him, pulling at the ends of my shorts out of anxiety for the inevitable judgement.

"Ummm... I had a nightmare and I'm just not good with nightmares..." he scooted closer but I couldn't tell if he was amused by me or if he actually cared.
"What was the nightmare about?" I shifted nervously but decided it wouldn't hurt to tell him.

"It's just this recurring nightmare about waking up and not being able to find my parents, it's a warped memory from the night they left me. I always end up on the same snowy hill on my own, I had found out later that day that they were killed by an avalanche on their way home."

He thought for a moment before he spoke, "That must have felt terrible, your whole world was crumbled in seconds and if I'm not mistaken you were sent away to Inazuma a few days later?" A sigh escaped my lips and I nodded but "I mean I guess but... Is it wrong of me to resent them for dying?" I whispered the last part with shame.

I mean I know it sounded stupid but it was true. For example say you had a twin who got all the love and affection from your parents but she was nice to you. Even if she hadn't done anything wrong you can't help but dislike her because in your eyes she's the problem.

Scaramouche seemed shocked and little did I know, that little comment had changed his entire opinion on me. "I understand that feeling more than anyone.. Alright come on." I looked up in confusion as he shimmied into the bed and held up the covers for me to get in.

I panicked at the idea but before I could back away or come up with an excuse, he grabbed my hand and pulled me towards him. He wrapped his arms around my shivering body and pushed the blanket down until we were completely cuddled up to one another.

"W-what the hell are you doing-" my face was right up under his chin and he was resting it on me as if we were a couple. My entire body was pressed against him and I felt so anxious about the intimacy that was occurring right now.

"A friend I used to live with always got nightmares and the only way he would calm down and rest, was if he wasn't alone when he fell asleep. It helps me to sleep like this as-well so I see no reason to not do it."

The breath on my head from him speaking was actually really soothing and before I knew it I had relaxed into his arms and cuddled into the embrace. He was right, it felt calming.

"Thank you Balladeer..." my voice was barely above a whisper as I muttered those words to him. It was the first time someone had ever sincerely thanked him for anything. "You know you can call me Scaramouche?... or Kunikuzushi if you want. Just don't treat that lightly." I mumbled an 'mhm' but I was already half asleep.
The next morning I woke up still entangled in his arms and chose to lie there till I was forced up. I had never had a more comfortable sleep and decided that I was gonna ask him to do this every night, I mean we were both benefiting right?

His Puppet (Scaramouche x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now