Chapter Fourteen

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Warning! (Smut, honestly this one is, HEAVY.)

I got up and walked over to the closet to get changed. To get this to work I wanted to change into something a little more revealing so after looking around I opted for just one of his black tops and my underwear. The top came down just to above the waistband of my panties which was perfect.

I heard the shower click on and walked out of the closet, casting the bathroom door a smug grin before going over and locking the other door to the bedroom, just incase someone tried to come in. I then walked to the bathroom and knocked loudly, "Y/N?" He sounded confused as to why someone would knock.

"Can I come in and grab something real quick, I thought it was out here but I think I left it in there." It went silent for a second and I grinned sensing this was gonna work. "Fine just hurry up." I opened the door and stepped inside, walking over to where the bathroom drawers and mirror were situated.

I could immediately feel his eyes on me and when I looked into the mirror he was indeed staring with his back facing towards me. I was gonna use the excuse of putting on some random skincare products like moisturiser and he did indeed have some on the counter top.

I turned the tap on and lightly dabbed at my face with some warm water and a cloth, all while humming to myself and glancing at his confused face in the mirror. "What are you doing?" I scoffed and looked back at him causing his face to turn slightly red.

"What does it look like dumbass, I'm not exactly brushing my teeth am I?" He fell silent again and I focused on doing the skincare. If I ignored him hopefully he'd take the bait, and sure enough after five minutes of my standing there and leaning over the sink I heard the sound of water dripping on the tiled floor as he stepped out of the shower.

I continued ignoring him until I saw two hands land either side of me on the sink. "I'm gonna ask you again. What, do you think your doing." I looked back and up slightly and I could see the look of lust coating his face, mixed with a hint of confusion. He was wearing a towel around his lower half but the upper half was glistening with water.

"And I'm telling you again that I have no clue what-" he grabbed my hand as I moved it towards him and brought it back down to the sink, he pushed it behind me and grabbed the other one in the same position till he was leaning down against me.

"You're brave I'll give you that, but if you know what's good for you, hurry up and get out." He made a point of pulling my arms in front of me and pushing them up towards my face before letting go and walking back to the shower. I moved forward with speed and pushed him up against the shower wall kissing him ferverently as my clothes and his now discarded towel became drenched with water.

He kissed back with the same intensity as water ran down both our faces from the shower head above. I eventually pulled away and stared at him as he breathed heavily and I sank down onto my knees. I could now see his cock in full view and before he could question what I was doing I wrapped my lips around just the tip of him and watched as his eyes glossed over from the feeling.

I took more of him in as I rubbed my tongue up and along every inch of him I could reach, and let me just say there were a surprising amount of inches... his eyes had rolled up into his head and his fist was in his mouth trying to keep himself quiet as I choked and gagged myself on his dick. "Y-you know once again I am, fuck, at the unfortunate position of assu-assuming you've done this before?"

He could barely speak and it was honestly a miracle he managed to get a word out with me going to town on him like this. I just rolled my eyes and went faster, shutting him up real quickly. He no longer could stop the groans and moans and they began to spill out of his mouth causing me to get even more turned on.

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