Chapter Seventeen

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Our footsteps echoed through the barren halls as we raced against an invisible clock. Neither of us said anything and I had only just begun to feel a bit uneasy about being alone in Dottores presence. I despite knowing he wouldn't do anything, he was still a pretty creepy guy and I was already so worried about Scara. My nerves and senses felt so aflame and hyper aware as my thoughts raced with bad images.

Memories had been rushing through my head since I left him and they were getting fainter and fainter. I began to overthink my past and my future with him, seeing as it was all in jeopardy now. It wasn't just him anymore though, in a way they were all my family. I mean they meant a lot to me despite the relatively short time we had spent together and now there was a high chance I might lose them all.

"Your getting emotional." My thoughts were interrupted by the relatively calm voice of Dottore. "How can I not? The man I love is out there fighting some almighty god who annihilated Childe with no effort." He glanced at me and I squirmed under the gaze of his piercing eyes. It was creepy seeing as before I lived here I had always heard that he constantly wore a mask.

"What's it like to love him?" My expression faltered as I turned my full attention on him. "What do you mean?" He looked annoyed but replied. "I mean, what does love feel like to you? It's simply a scientific question don't think too hard~" Dottore was known for his random weird questions but this one didn't have enough time to be answered.

"I feel like we should be more focused on trying to save his life right now. I swear I'll answer any of your slightly weird questions later." He looked at me pointedly and rolled his eyes. "Whatever, but you know I'll hold you to that right? I know it sounds stupid to you but does it look like I can ask any of the Harbingers-"

"You know what you actually have a point there... I guess it just kind of feels like this eternal feeling of floating? I don't know how exactly to describe it, but all I know is that I just feel so happy and free... And, I know that if he were to leave me... that it would kill every good feeling and thought he had ever given me."

He went silent and an awkward feeling seeped into my head before I thankfully noticed that the courtyard door was in the hallway just infront of us. "We're almost-" A loud bang sounded behind us and I felt something slam into my back, pushing me down to the ground as a heavy weight settled on top of me. I couldn't see anything but I heard Dottore try tun before something else slammed into him and he was knocked into the ground infront of me.

I groaned and huffed, trying to get the air into my lungs despite the pressure pushing it out. "Well well. If it isn't the Fatuis little plaything." The sound was the deep unsettling voice of an abyss lector... Dottore would be fine but I was fucked.

Scaramouches POV

We had been going back and forth for around twenty minutes and despite my usual tenacity... I was getting tired. Every bone in my body was screaming and I hated it. I was a mechanical vessel capable of harbouring tens of thousands of pounds, a godly creation given flesh and bones despite natures laws. And yet one stupid person was about to end me?

"You've grown weak Balladeer, when was the last time you even thought about killing someone?" I dodged yet another attack and glared up at this bitch who barely had any injuries. "Why did you come back, what do you gain from this Lumine?!" Her eyes narrowed and she dropped to the ground slamming her full power against the stone. It began to crack and break sending slabs and rubble all around and sending Scaramouche rolling back out of the way of damage.

"When that god took me from my brother she took everything from me. She knew I wouldn't ever be able to go back and be the sister he needed after what she did." Scaramouche was tired and confused but he knew for a fact that this was pice of information he didn't know. "What do you mean by that? What did she do to you..."

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