Chapter Six

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Finishing up my bath I just stood in the middle of the room slowly wrapping a towel around myself. Maybe I was stalling because I was scared to go out and face him? Or maybe I was still trying to comprehend what the hell had just happened...

He had been uncharacteristically quite since leaving the bathroom. Maybe he had left his bedroom altogether to go traumatise some other poor soul.

This guy was starting to seriously frustrate me though?! One second he's calm and playful, I mean he wasn't the nicest but atleast in this mood he wasn't harmful. But then the next he's a cold calculating psychopath. Like where was his sense of judgement?

I rubbed my fingers across my temple and sighed, I was frustrated but I couldn't stay in here forever. I placed yesterdays dress into the now empty clothes basket and headed for the bathroom door.

I paused for a second, my hand still outstretched towards the door handle. I hated how scared I was just at the thought of seeing him. Inhaling deeply I turned the knob, and finally left the bathroom.

He was nowhere to be seen. I took this as an opportunity to get changed before he returned and started bothering me. Looking around in the closet I found that where the dresses had been previously there was now more outfits along with them.

"Wonder who brought these up? Definitely not that dickhead." I muttered insults about him as I picked out a different outfit this time. I had almost chosen a full outfit but needed a black shirt.

My eyes eventually wandered over to his neatly folded clothes. "I mean it's not like he would know..." I thought aloud as I slowly slinked towards the right vest shirts and quickly grabbed one.

It was just some simple black cargo jeans and now the black shirt, but I added my own touches and accessories till It felt like my own style. Walking back out of the closet I realised there was a faint sound of pen on paper coming from the sitting area.

Peeking my head around the doorway I saw that The Balladeer was infact still here and was once again writing on some papers. He appeared to be focused so I attempted to just leave the room quietly.

"What are you doing?" He hadn't turned around, nor had he stopped writing. But he was clearly talking to me. I hung my head and hesitantly turned around.

"I was just going out for a bit."

"Out where?"

"Just outside... somewhere. I don't really know?"

"Without my permission?"

He hummed in disagreement and sighed. Setting the pen down he finally stood up and walked over to me. Me nervously poking and prodding my hands as he approached me.

"I'll come with you." My eyes widened in shock at the most unexpected response from him. "But why? I thought I was just your maid it's not like I'm a prisoner?" His eyes narrowed and he clicked his tongue. "Are you saying you don't want me to come along?" Raising an eyebrow at me I immediately denied his accusations in a fluster.

"N-no. It's not that it's just... Why would you want to come?" I mean to be fair there were a million reasons he wouldn't want to accompany me so why was he going out of his way now? Especially seeing as he apparently hated me-

"Well someone could kidnap you, someone could hurt you, someone could look at you the wrong way. There's a lot of opportunities for me to watch as the life drains from someone's eyes~"

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