Chapter Three

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He began approaching the bed in a slow manner, as if he was studying me... deciding what he should do next perhaps. On the other hand this drug was affecting me hard. It was like I could feel the immense amount of fear that built up inside me, but my brain just refused to allow it in.

He had stopped about an inch away from the spot I was lying on, reaching out he took hold of my hand in an unsettlingly delicate manner. "Okay so let's get one thing straight here." He sharply pulled backwards causing my arm to be pushed back and down at a horrifying-unnatural angle.

I screamed and tried fervently to swat him away, this caused him to grin and shush me like a guardian would their child. "First of all, you're going to need to learn how to close that loud ass fucking mouth of yours because I will absolutely not hesitate to break your fucking arm, do I make myself clear?!"

His sudden raise in volume caused me to flinch and nod quickly. "Good you're not completely brain dead then. Go get dressed in your uniform, and then I'll decide..." he paused here to bring his other hand to my chin, pushing my head up slightly to get a look at my neck. "And then I'll decide if I'm going to slit this pretty neck of yours open."

I gulped and nodded quickly, squeezing my eyes shut as tears began forming from the fear. The drugged state was completely gone but I was semi hysterical as all the terrible stories of this man came rushing back to me.

"Now get out of my sight." He let me go and backed up waiting for me to leave. I sat up but was hesitant due to him watching me. Wrong move. "Did I say take your damn time or did I say to get the fuck out of my sight? LEAVE."

I jumped up and quickly scurried away from the bed, almost tripping as I got caught up in the blanket on his bed. "W-where is my uniform though?" He sighed and looked up at the ceiling as if this was the most obvious thing ever.

"Well where the fuck do you think I put clothes in my room... THE BATHTUB?!" I nodded and gulped, the more I dug myself in this hole the more scared I became. I was really starting to regret the snide remark I made earlier.

I turned towards his large walk in closet and hastily entered it. "I don't think I need to remind you to hurry up do I." His sharp voice yelled out from the bedroom again and I searched the room wildly for my clothes.

I quickly found ones that looked like they were right for a maid, he didn't say such but I assumed that, that was still my position here. I got dressed and combed out my hair before tying it up with the lace ribbon and headdress accompanying the outfit.

I didn't want him to point out anything about me that was unkempt or not to his liking so I smoothened everything out before looking in the mirror and nodding to myself. Finished, I sat down against the floor, trying to clear my face of any tears even though I hadn't realised I was crying. Was he gonna kill me?

I went through some breathing exercises before eventually calming down enough to get up.
I wearily opened the closet doors, immediately hissing at the stinging still plaguing my arm. But I ignored it knowing that it wasn't wise to keep him waiting.

Stepping out into the room I realised that, one he wasn't here, and two it's really fucking cold. "Hello?" I shivered at how cold it was and wrapped my arms around myself. "In here." His voice called out from the sitting area and I quickly made my way over to him.

Entering into the large sitting area I noted how quaint and cosy everything looked. The Balladeer was sat at a desk, reading through a bunch of papers and occasionally writing something down. Presumably important documents.

He ignored me for a few seconds before sighing and standing up, turning around to take in my appearance. He grinned and let out a loud laugh, "Archons those maid outfits look so stupid- It really matches your style in that regard!" I scowled, and was tempted to say something snide, but I did value my life a tad bit more than one liners.

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