Chapter Seven

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"Ugh that fucking cunt just thinks he can- OW." I yelled out in pain and hissed as I dabbed a wet cloth at the long cut now running down my chest. I hadn't even realised that the cut was actually a little deep.

"He is so lucky he didn't cut my bra. I mean what if Child had fucking seen me after he did that?!" It had been half an hour since he left me standing in the hall like that and I was pissed to say the least. The bleeding hadn't stopped and although it didn't seem fatal it was turning my stomach into a bloody mess.

I was perched on the edge of his bathtub with a first aid kit haphazardly strewn across the baths ledge. His ripped top now lay in a pile on the floor and I was sitting in just my jeans and bra, trying to patch myself up before he came back to gloat.

Right as this thought passed I groaned at the sound of the bedroom door opening. "You've gotta be kidding me? It's official... I'm cursed." Two sharp raps on the door and I knew it was him, only a pompous cunt like him would knock like that.

"Fuck off." The door opened and I scrambled to cover my topless chest. "Oh wow that looks bad... Wonder who did that~" I ignored him and continued dabbing at the blood I could still reach with my arms positioned like this.

He sighed and walked over to stand infront of me. "Give it here." The cloth was snatched away and he waited expectantly for me to move my arms. "No way in hell am I-" his hand immediately gripped my arms and pulled them down to my sides.

"Now I've already seen you so there's no need to cover yourself. Stop being difficult when I'm trying to actually help you." I grumbled at him but kept my arms down so he could clean the cut with proper pressure added to stop the bleeding.

His eyes kept flicking up to meet my gaze as if he wanted to say something but also didn't. "You're not as scared of me as I thought you would've been after I did that?" I raised an eyebrow at his confused face.

"And why would I be scared?" I mean true he had cut me but it's not like his intention was to even hurt me. Plus the way he had done it was not really in a "I want to kill you way" but more of a "I want to fuck you" way... "What are you a masochist?" He laughed but I simply stared at him, painfully silent.

"Your joking right?" "Yes obviously I am joki- OW." He pressed in hard on the wound causing me to shout out in pain. "What the hell was that for?!" "I was just testing... Things would not have been so good for you if I found out you actually were a masochist~"

"There were other ways you could've tested that." He had finished cleaning the wound and was rolling a bandage around the lower part and slowly working his way up. "Your going to have to take that off-"

He pointed at my bra and I immediately narrowed my eyes.

"No I do-"

"just turn around and take it off, I'm not going to look. I may be an asshole but I have standards."

"They aren't very high standards-"

"What was that?"


I turned around and hesitantly unclipped my bra letting it fall into my lap. He continued wrapping the bandage around me until my entire top half and the cut were covered. "Wow you actually have some decency left."

"Oh haha your hilarious. I have something important to tell you so when your done in here meet me at my desk." He got up to leave and I pulled his arm back, causing him to look at me confused. "I uh- Thank you... for helping me with that."

He nodded and awkwardly walked out of the room. Guess he wasn't all bad afterall...

I rummaged around in a nearby drawer containing clothes till I found a new shirt. It was another plain black one but I just hoped it wasn't his.

His Puppet (Scaramouche x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now