Ending Notes (Read for more info on future projects <3)

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Before you all hate me, I told you it would be around 20 chapters 🥹🫶

I would just like to thank everyone for being so patient with this book every single month where you only got one update 😭❤️ I'm sad to see this end but I knew that if I continued it I would've had to add in some random bullshit that wouldn't even make sense and to be fair this was kind of the entire story I had planned from the start!! Once again thank you to everyone whose ever supported me I am really sad to end this, but I'm also excited for the next books to come ❤️

On that topic I'm happy to announce that my next book will be something completely different than my genshin stuff and although I will be continuing my other scara x reader because I love writing that one, the next book will be an Aaron Warner x Reader (iykyk, luyhfml 😤)

So yeah, thank you for joining me in this journey and I hope you enjoyed the borderline cliffhanger ending I gave you, ps yes he does survive 😫

Love you guys -Nikkie 💜

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