Chapter Two

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It had been three months since that incident and I had just turned 19. 19 years of age and I had slowly began resigning myself to the fact, that I was going to waste away quietly in a prison cell for the rest of my life.

After the shogunate brought me in I refused to speak. I mean I hadn't done it and I wasn't going to admit to something so absurd.

In the end they diagnosed me with some kind of mental disease and threw me into this cell for the safety of other people. It was still hard to accept that Ryouji was actually gone... safe to say I thought I'd be spending my twenties differently-

To rewind a bit, after Aether had been lead away down the stairs, people had begun filtering into the streets due to the commotion. They simply watched as the "Fatui Girl" was lead away in handcuffs.

By the time Miyuki had came back, the shogunate were already leading me away and I simply watched as fear filtered into her eyes at the sight of me in cuffs.

I think I made an effort to move towards her, its all a blur when I try to think about it... Maybe I did kill Ryouji?

Regardless Miyuki had shrieked and pulled away from me as if I was going to stab her... she would rather believe I was a murderer than think for a second that I was framed.

So although I am now reduced to a lowly prisoner without a friend in this world...

Atleast I still have the clouds.

The box that I now called my home has a tiny window that allows me to see the clouds as they passed by my cell. Curiously unbothered things that care not for my measly existence.

"Get up, come on your leaving Y/N."

A sharp male voice rang through my ears, accompanied by the rapping of knuckles against bars. I rolled my eyes and ignored the bastard, knowing full well he was joking as they did this often.

"Listen I'm not joking this time get up. There's some doctor here that claims he might be able to help you so we're sending you with him. Says he's a scientist aswell and that he wants to try study what's happening with your brain."

I raised my brows and sat up, craning my head around to glare at the man. "Your getting real creative with this shit Asakawa but seriously get the fuck out of here."

My eyes widened when he brought the keys out from his pocket and swiftly unlocked my cell. "Woah what your for real-" he nodded tiredly as he waited expectantly for me to get up.

Although my legs felt like jelly after not walking for so long, I managed to stand up and walk towards him before I was grabbed roughly. He pinned my arms down by my sides for what he called "safety reasons", while he escorted me to archons knows where.

When we stepped out into what I seem to remember being a main hall area, I saw four different people standing there in a tense feeling silence. I recognised the two closest me, but the other two I did not.

The familiar people were none other than one of the Tenryou commissions generals, known as Kujou Sara. And of course Heizou, as he was the detective assigned to my case.

When I looked over at the other two, it was easy to pinpoint which one was the doctor guy. He was a tall gentleman that wore a mask covering the top half of his face, His outfit in general seemed very Sciency; But also reminded me of old timey regal dresses you would see in Monstadt.

The thing that kind of put me off the most though were the vials hanging on his person. There was an assortment of blue coloured vials and glasses on his outfit that just seemed very ominous, I didn't like the idea that he might randomly use one should he feel like it.

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