Y'all Ready

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I ran outside the restaurant and it felt like my whole world stopped. Everything started to move in slow motion. I glanced to the left to see the rest of the shooters pulling off in a black SUV. I glanced to my Left to see Our Black Van pulling up.And I glanced to my right and time slowed down even more. Carissa was laid out with blood oozing from three different places, with my shoes laying next to her. It wasn't until I ran over to her aid that time began to go back to normal.

" Carissa baby, look at me. Ima get you out of here and get you some help, just hold on for me. I said sobbing. Dre was pulling me telling me to leave her but I just couldn't leave her. I could hear the sirens in the distance and I knew we had to get out of there. But I wasn't just about to leave her laying here. I placed my arms under her slightly limp body, bending my knees and lifting her up. I struggled getting her to the car, but it was worth it. Dre grabbed her upper half, while I grabbed at her lower half, lifting us into the van.

"Take us to the hospital now." I yelled. Chunk looked at Dre, and than Carissa, putting the car in Drive, speeding off towards the hospital.

I held her hand, watching her breath slowly. Three wounds, I was so scared to look, because I knew if I did I would flip. "It's gone be okay hun. I promise, we almost there, just keep breathing for me.

After 10 minutes of driving, and talking to her almost unconscious body we pulled up the the hospital honking until the nurses rushed out.I kissed her forehead and let them pull her body out my grasp.Lord knows I didn't want to let her go.Dre slide the door back closed,grabbing my shaking body. I was filled with so many emotions;Hurt,Anger,Rage,Hate. I wanted to kill.

"Baby calm yourself,she gone be okay.Just please calm down your shaking bad." Dre said.

"Dre she can't calm down yet, just stay away from her until we switch cars.I got her no worries. She's having a episode and its only a matter of time before she breakdown, she just like Crunk she trigger happy nigga." Cre said chuckling a little.


10 minutes later we pulled up to an empty parking garage.Cre jumped from behind the drivers and scooped me in his arms.My body way still shaking.

He sat me in the back of his challenger.And he slid in next to me.While Crunk and Dre slid into the front.

"Get us home man." Cre said.

He began driving and Cre turned and looked at me.

"Hey beautiful. Look at me sis. Calm down for me.Can you calm your body down for me?" I just continued to stare at him. " Count with me 1,2,3,4,5,6,....." By the time he hit 30 my body stopped shaking and I broke down crying.

" What if she d- don't make i-it... She barely breathing." I sobbed into his chest. "That's my b-bestfriend....."

"Shhh" he said rubbing my hair. "She gone make it man.Don't even think like that.Just close your eyes baby doll."

And closing my eyes is just what I did.

Dre P.O.V

I had a feeling something was going to go wrong. I've been having a bad feeling all week. So kaiden and I followed her, while he called up her brother and some of our boys. Cre was out of the city, but he said he would be down as quick as he could. It took us about ten minutes to pull up there and about 5 minutes for back up to arrive. I grabbed my AK and we all exited the car trucks. In the distant I seen Nikair running out of some room, and Carissa being held with a gun to her head. Kaiden told some of the guys to run to the back and some of us continued to run forward. We ran through the door and they low key looked spooked.

"If it isn't the best couple on the east coast. Choppa and Queen P, Ya know I been waiting to catch up with yall for a long time. Phara I thought you was smarter than that. Im so rude let me introduce myself. I'm Bloodbath. And it would be an honor to shed blood if I cant get what I want. And I want Phara." He finally said with his eyes narrowing at Nhi.

"Are you fucking serious? You seriously come on my territory, point guns at us. Nigga is you crazy?" She said mugging him hard. Low-key it turned me on. She turned around a grabbed her assault rifle from Kaiden, taking her original spot next to me.

"Now I got a hot head in the back, and he itching to shut this shit down. And see this in my hand. This my big bitch Marcy. And she always ready to go." My boys pulled up behind them making a slight sound. Rule #3 is that you never turn your back to your opponent. And that's just what they did.

"Go" She yelled.

We were firing shots at each other for a good 10 minutes. But behind me I heard a grunt coming from one of my boys. It was Kaiden.

"Pull back, get Kaiden outta here, grab the girl Everybody pull back!" I shouted.

We started pulling back on both sides, but it's like Nikair wanted this. She looked back at Kaiden and its like seeing him like shot fueled her up to keep going. I had to cut that shit off now. It was no way I was going to loose her.

"Nikair Pull your ass back now!!!" She was shaking her head still firing, but inching back slowly. She was hitting dudes left to right. It was five more dudes left. The only thing that stopped her was a ear piercing scream that came from outside. I ran with Nikair dead on my heels.

A black van pulled up and Cre was behind the wheel shouting for us to get in. I We did, Nikair scooped Carissa up and hauled her into the van and we left with the Sirens in the distance. I had Nikair and Carissa's care moved during the fight and our trucks as well. I looked over to chucky to see if he did what I asked him and he nodded.

The whole ride she was crying, talking to Carissa. I shed a tear or two. There was no telling the outcome. And I was scared for them both.

10 minutes in we pulled up to the hospital. She kissed Carissa's forehead and let the nurses take her. I grabbed her shaking body and held her close to me.

"Baby calm yourself, she gone be okay. Just please calm down your shaking bad." I said.

"Dre she can't calm down yet, just stay away from her until we switch cars. I got her no worries. She's having a episode and its only a matter of time before she breakdown, she just like Crunk she trigger happy nigga." Cre said chuckling a little.

I Looked down at her dazed face and slid away from her, but still holding her hand.

10 minutes later we pulled up to an empty parking garage. Cre hopped out the drivers seat and grabbed Nikair from me. He sat her in the back of his challenger. And he slid in next to her. While I hopped in the drivers seat.

"Get us home man." Cre said. I began driving and Cre turned and looked at her.

"Hey beautiful. Look at me sis. Calm down for me. Can you calm your body down for me?" She just continued to stare at him. " Count with me 1,2,3,4,5,6,....." By the time he hit 30 her body stopped shaking and she broke down crying. This was the first time I ever seen them interact with each other in the way that they did.

" What if she d- don't make i-it...She barely breathing." She sobbed into his chest. "That's my b-best friend.....". "Shhh" he said rubbing her hair. "She gone make it man. Don't even think like that. Just close your eyes baby doll." He said to her. No lie I was kind of jealous. Thugs don't feel shit like this man. And I knew once she got herself together shit was gone hit the fan. And bodies was gone drop. This is just the beginning. And I was willing to go through everything with this girl. Our Love, Our Cartel, Our Industry, Our hustle. We run this. Y'all ready?

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