Shoot ....

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2 Days Later..

Ominicient P.O.V

Dre has been out of town for two days and for the last two days Slugga has been watching Nikairs house.Cre has been staying with Nikair because she said she had a bad feeling in her gut.But so far she feels more so calm since nothing has happened yet,but that can all end in an instant.


C:Yes Nhi?

N:Can we go to the mall.

C: *laughs* Yes girl.Go get ready.

Nikair runs full speed downstairs.

N:Already am.

Cre: *Bol* Iight lets go than.

They walk out of the house together,unknowingly knowing that Slugga is watching their every step.This is the first time that they have left the house since Dre left and he plannned on his attack taking place tonight,the quicker the better right?

Slugga P.O.V

Me and my niggas sitting outside this nigga crib.I remember I did some bad buisness with him a couple months ago and every since this nigga been on my ass but i plan to get him before he get me.i done been waiting out side his house for two days and aint nobody come out that bitch yet bu- I guess I spoke too soon. a lightskinned nigga came out the door and i swear the cat looked so familar. And than a thick ass female come out and I swear that bitch was bad.My niggas in the back fantasizing and shit.Shit no need to lie a nigga like me is to.Got my dick hard an shit. I cant think right.But she looks oddy familar too.And if this is his girl she gone be mines before tge end of the night.We watched them get in the car and pull off.We waited another 15 minutes before i ordered all my men out the truck.They made sure the coast was clear before clipping the wires to the gate and watching it open up.

"Iight we may not have alot of time so what I want yall to do is split up,find the nigga,if ya dont than when we get back we will come back later on tonight and take this nigga out and his pretty little lady will be with up. I want yall five plus myself to go upstairs and I want yall three to take downstairs. And don't touch shit!Just find this nigga. Lets go.

I had my boy pick the lock and we made our way inside this big ass house. It was neat,shit atleast I know she clean up real good. The place is real homey too.I sprint up the stairs with my boys and they all branch out and I'm looking for the master sweet. Two double doors appear in my view I reach for the handles and push both of the large doors open. Damn... This room is dope.I go through their closet and find nothing,but I will take this nigga Gammas. I went through her draw full of draws and them shits smelt hella good.Call me weird but shit,with a fine ass bitch like that who wouldnt.And than something sitting on the nightstand by the bed causing me to squint. 'THIS BITCH'  I thought. Automatically I knew who and what I was dealing with and thats when I knew I had to get this shit over with.I planted my wires and left out whistling signaling for my guys to meet up.Not before grabbing my news J's though.

Nikair P.O.V

Shopping always calms my nerves.And lately my nerves have been all over place.It was getting late Cre and I have been gone all day and lord knows I'm tired. We hope inside the Range with bags up to our shoulders.My Brother was my bestfriend.And he treated me like a little sister even though I was born 10 minutes early.Taking my bags and opening my doors,he ran around to the driver side of the car got in and we were on our way home.

15 minutes later..

When we pulled up to the gate we immediatly became suspicious.

"Did you close the gate when we left?" i asked him

He looked at me nodding his head indicating that he did close it.We went through it and parked the car in the drive way.I grabbed my hand gun from under my seat while Cre pulled his from in his waste band.He nodded and we exited the car.He went around the back of the house. Waiting at the front door until either he comes out or somebody else. After 5 minutes nobody comes out. I unlock the doorslow pace walk into the house.When I round the corner I see this nigga laying on the damn couch watching SpongeBob. DAFUQ!!!! I tuck my gun pick up a pillow hitting him with it.

"My nigga.Really?" I said.

He looks at me and burst out in laughter.

"You had me outside for damn near 10 minutes." I said laughing sitting by him.

"Girl hush. Everything is fine,maybe the wires or something is acting up.I'll make sure to call the repair man first thing in the morning okay.Know i'm going to bed." he said kissing her forehead.She nodded,getting up off the couch and cutting the television off,and following him up stairs.

"Night Bubba" She said before walking in her room closing the door,unaware that tonight would be the night.

Slugga P.O.V

All the lights were off in the house.It was around 2 a.m.So we decided now would be the time to put this plan into action.We strapped up exiting the car swiftly going through the halfway departed gate. We cut the cables in the back of the house:Cutting the lights and alarm systems. Too bad they had dimley lit back up lights.My guy Snatch picked the lock allowing us to enter the house undetected. When we got in we already knew where we were headed up the stairs.

Ominicient P.O.V

They walked into the house unnoticed but also unaware the Cre was laying on the couch,because he couldnt sleep. He slide off the couch carful not to intervene with the lights from their flash lights and back up ones. He crept up behind one of Slugga's men snapped his neck and ran into the kitchen,startling  Slugga's men causing the house to erupt in gunshots. Cre went through the pantry door sliding the wall back leading up the stairs towards the top floor.He ran across the wooden floor in his sissters bedroom,covering her mouth and running into the closet.

"Cre what the fuck ma-" she began to yell.

"Shhhhhh!!! It's some nigga downstairs with guns ready to kill.I took one of them down but its about 12 more down there." he said all in one breath.

She looked at him like she was in a daze. Slugga was all she could say. "I gotta get my phone it's too much information in it for them to get it if they find it. Go down to the room strap up. I'll be right behind you. I Love You Cre Cre." She said hugging him.

"Love You to Nhi Ni" he said hugging her back.He kissed her head. He disappered through the door behind her clothes rack. She collected her thoughts hearing the foot steps of the approching men run up the steps.She bolted out of her closet,jumping off her bed,opening the draw and retreiving her phone. Climbing off the bed her door was kicked open,she dropped to her knees crawling underneath her bed.Slipping her phone in her breast,she unlatched the two pistols with the silencers from the straps under her bed awaiting there approch.Watching two pairs of feet enter her bed room she scooted from underneath the bed to the opposite side.

Man1: Way da bitch at bruh?
Man2:Nigga you asking me like I stay here.
Man1: search around than.

They both seperated  Man 2 making his way into the closet and Man 1 comming towards the bed.He knelt down,lifted the covers and the barrel of her gun is what he seen before darkness.She pulled his body under the bed.Straightened out her clothes and peeked around the closet door.Man 2 was on his way out so she ran into the bathroom. When he came in she immideatly snapped his neck. Leaving there bodies.She continued into her closet into the in the wall passageway towards the basement with Cre. Hearing multiple steps going up the stairs through the wall. She went into the basment knocking on the wall in the far left corner and it slide open revealing Cre. He was already strapped up exchanging no words.

They started watching the cameras and the guys were running towards the basement door and one in particular looked familiar.She knew this would be the day that either her or Slugga would go down and in her book it would not be her. They stooped prepared closing the compartment secret door taking cover behind various things in the room.She pulled out her phone preparing to text Dre but before she could finish the door was opened and  10 niggas charged in leaving Nikair with a deliverd unfinished text that said Shoot....

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