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When Nikair landed.The first thing she did was go to a pay phone and called Carrissa.

*Phone ringing*

Carrissa- "Uhhh hello?"

Nikair-"Carrissa it's Nikair."

Carrissa- "What do you want? Better yet where have you been? " She asked harshly

By this time Nikair was slightly crying.She didn't know what to say or tell her she needed her friend.

Nikair- I need you okay can you just please come get me? I'm at the airport. And if you can't than fuck it.

And with that she hung up the phone.Nikair was walking around the airport for about 30 minutes when over the intercom her name was called to come to the front desk. When she got there Carrissa was standing there. Nikair looked at her and smiled a little. Carrissa looked at her and ran up to her and gave her a hug. "I'm sorry for whatever it is that i said that day." Nikair whinced in pain. And Carrissa let her go. " What's wrong?" she asked.Nikair shook her head and headed out the door.Carrissa was right in behind her as they headed to the car. When they got in and got onto the highway the ride was quite for about 30 minutes.

"Can you take me by my house i wanna shower and change?" Carrissa shook her head yes. When She got there she saw Cre's car in the driveway.She rolled her eyes and hopped out the car.She searched inside of her purse for her keys and when she found them she opened the door to the sound of the alarm going off.

She cut the alarm off and as soon as she turned around Cre was watching her. "Where have you been?" he asked slightly irritated.She looked at him and pushed pass him. She went into the room and locked the door. When she got into the bathroom she took off all her clothes and just stared at herself in the mirror. She had bruises all along her rib cage and stomach. Every move she made hurt like hell.

She ran herself a warm bath and got in. She sat there for about 45 minutes washing and soaking her soarness. She got out the tub and wrapped a towel around her. She walked into her room and checked in her closet drawers for some sweats. She wrapped her stomach and rib areas with the wrap and slipped her sweatshirt on.

It was about 4 in the afternoon.She still had to find herself something to wear to the Gala for the next night so she called Carrissa back up and told her to come get her around 5:30. She agreed and Nikair stayed in her room until Carrissa called.She knew that if she went downstairs Cre would question her. She looked on her nightstand to find her phone on charge. Cre must have been worried sick.

20 minutes later Carrissa honked her horn. Nikair slowly walked down the stairs and waved to her nosey brother who was looking out the window. He slightly smiled at her and she left out the door.Nikair eased into the seat and looked at Carrissa who was eyeing her. "Well what's wrong with you?" She asked Nhi. Nikair looked at her and smiled. "Nothing i just wanna chill and get ready for this event tomorrow night ."

Carrissa looked her and smiled. "It's nice to have you back sis. I missed you." Carrissa said smiling. "I missed you too." she said. As Carrissa started to drive off. They talked and talked the whole ride through. When Nikair took her pain pills.Carrissa looked at her crazy because Nikair was the healthy type who never took pills.

When they got to Shawn's Boutique Nikair jumped out the car.But than the aches hit her. She grabbed her sides. "Maybe the meds ain't kick in yet." she thought.

She grabbed her purse and phone off the seat. And joined Carrissa inside the store. They looked around until Carrissa found about three different kinds of dresses. Carrissa wanted to see her in the dresses so she shyly agreed.

When Nikair got in the dressing room she felt kinda good. She tried on the first dress and walked out to Carrissa. Nikair turned around and Carrissa burst out in laughter. "Your ass to phat girl! Next !!" she exclaimed. Nikair stepped back behind the curtain and closed it. She wiggled out. And when she got out of it she handed it back to the Carrissa. She than tried on the second one and walked out towards the mirror. Carrissa smiled at her choice. "I Love this one." she said blushing. "What about the other one? You don't want your back out?" Carrissa asked. Nikair shook her head.

"This is it." Nikair went back into her dressing space and took the dress off .She felt so good just spending time with her bestfriend again. Carrissa opened the curtain causing Nikair to stumble back. "Girl i jus- " carrissa was about to say. The whole look on Carrissa's face changed. She walked to Nikair and got the dress off the floor.And walked out. Nikair spent about ten minutes reflecting back on what just happened.

When she left the stylist who works there told her to be back tommorrow. Carrissa was on the phone yelling with somebody and when Nikair got in the car she hung up. "*sigh* Any place else you wanna go Nhi?" Nikair didnt speak she just shook her head and enjoyed the ride back home.

When she walked in her door Cre was sitting on the steps.And Carrissa came behind her and closed the door. "So will you tell me why yall went out of town? No business was brought to me so I know that wasn't it. Did he have to go there?"Cre asked her.

He looked infuriorated.His leg was shaking and his jaw was clenched. "We just wanted to get away,eventually I left he had something to take care of." she said hanging her head low.

He got up and got face to face with her. "When I got here when you didnt show for work.I found a picture in the room.I know your lying to me.And Nikair i swear to you when I find out whats going on I'm fucking some shit up!"

And when he said that it scared her. She looked back at Carrissa who was just shaking her head. "I can't tell him about De.Carrissa won't hopefully. Why am i so stupid? Uugh!!! Why is it so hard to just tell the truth?" she thought.

"I'm just gonna shower and go to bed." Cre waved her off and Carrissa just left. She shook her head and than headed upstairs.

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