It's So Cold

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When Nikair woke up she was all alone. She put on his dress shirt which was really long on her.Causing her to laugh. She went downstairs to find a note on the table that read:

Be back in a few. Make yourself at home.

And that she did.She made herself some breakfast and than lounged in the living room. She was feeling so good she started dancing. She was kind of startled to hear keys at the door,but she knew it was just Dre. She heard him walk in accomponied by another set of foot steps.She sat up on the couch to see Dre and Cre walk in. Cre walked over to her and kissed her head. "Hey sissy." he said sitting next to her while Dre kissed her cheek and did the same. "Hey yall." she said slowly.

"Hey can I talk to you?" Cre asked her. She got up and followed him to the office.

"Look,imma get right to it. Why didn't you tell me what happened to you? I could have helped." I had it under control." She said.
" But you didn't. You could be dead right now!" She knew it was no stopping so she just got up and tried to walk away. Cre came behind her and backed her into the wall causing the already eves dropping Dre to come in. "

Cre you know how you get when your upset just calm down." Dre tried to say. "Calm down? Yall want me to calm down! Nikair i told you when i found out what was going on i was gone fuck some shit up!" he screamed.

"Just shut the fuck up Cre damn.This my fucking fault i caused this shit in myself.Cre i walked around everydamn day for years claiming the role of the happy girlfriend in the most perfect relationship. I'm tired of trying,Tired of crying. I'm sleepy i wanna go to bed." she said while walking up the stairs.

For the next ten minutes Dre tried to reason with Cre but it didn't work. Nikair knew once Cre got set off it was no turning back. Dre came upstairs and sat on the edge of the bed. Nikair notice the bed slowly shake.Whenever Dre was upset he would shake his leg and clentch his jaw. She got up and held him as he cried. "Nikair?" he said. "Yes" she said. "Whatever you do promise me you won't go back there.I can't take if something was to happen to you. I don't know what i'd would do.Who i would hurt." he said trailing off. They just held eachother until they both fell asleep.

About 2 hours later Nikair woke up and headed down stairs. She was hungry so she decided to make some breakfast.She was making herself some eggs when she heard the front door unlock and it swing open to see her worst nightmare. "De?"
"Hey baby uhh what you doing here?" she asked. He looked at her an smiled . "Lets go for a ride baby." he said holding out her hand. She looked at him and seen a chance of oppurtunity to run. She tried but before she got far he had grabbed and pointed a gun to her head."Take one more step and i swear to god your dead.Now your gonna walk with me and get in the car do you understand?" she shook her head in agreement. And than they both walked outside.He was grabbing her by the arm as he walked her to the passenger side and pushed her in the car.He ran over to the drivers side and crank the car and drove off.

"So you run away huh?And yea I know Cre came to my shit looking for me." he said

"Did I run away? NO! And you damn right he came looking for you.You put me in the fucking hospital for god sake. And For What! All i did was come home and be a good girlfriend.Nigga i been cleaning up behind your ass,fucking you when you ask, breaking my back to make sure your ass was well kept and MY house.Bitch you got me fucked up. Than you fuck some random bitch matter fact her dolphin pussy ass probably wasn't random she prolly the same bitch calling your shit all late up." she said laughing. He slapped her and sped up. "Damn it Nhi look what the hell you made me do. I love you too much to be putting my hands on you." he said.

The voices in his head was starting up again.He started twitching and talking to himself. "Nikair i'm srry. Shut the fuck up! Why are you doing this to me? Get out my head." was the last thing he said before pulling onto a dirt road
Nikair began to understand what was going on. She just stared at him.He drove deeper and deeper until they came to a stop at this log cabin.Nikair noticed it looked familiar.It was the same house he took her,Cre,and cre's ex to on a vacation get away.
He seemed hesitant on getting out for a second but than he did.He walked around to the door and than pulled her out by her hair. She screamed. Ahhh! " Shut the hell up Nikair! Damn" he yelled. But she didnt and within seconds she was looking down the barel of a gun.....

Cre P.OV
I still cant deal with the fact he been hitting on her. What The Fuck Man!!! he screamed hitting the window in his car causing it to shatter. He was sitting in front of Nikair and De's house for about a hour and a half and there was no sign of De. ' I'm bout to gone head an leave and go check up on Nhi' he thought to himself cranking up the car to leave but than he got a phone call.

C- Hello
Dre- Ayee bruh is Nikair with you?
C-What you mean is Nhi with me i left her with you!
Dre- I kno I kno. I dont kno where she could be.She left her phone and all.I walked around and all looking for her.Imma check these cameras and see whats up.

C- Iight bro do that for me and see what you can find.This shit got me drive.


Dre agreed an proceeded to go to the security room in his house.He took his thumb and pressed it to the black box and the door latch clicked.He walked in and than went to reveiw the footage from about a hour ago.While he sat there watching the footage he noticed a black surburban pull up into his drive way.He squinted his eyes a little and noticed a man get out the car and make his way towards the house.Dre just sat there and watched for about five minutes until he noticed the man pulling Nikair and pushing her into the car and thats when he realized it was nobody but 'DE'. Before he could process his thoughts he had already been calling Cre.


Dre: Ayoo bruh i think i know what happened.He got her man.

Cre:Who?Who got her? Dre talk to me man!

Dre: Her boyfriend! I checked these cameras like you suggested and i see that nigga dragging on her!

Cre was silent on the other line for a minute until the line went dead.

Dre walked around pacing and trying to call Cre back,but got no answer.So he decided he was going to go over to his house.He drove a little over the speed limit to get to Cre's house.When he got there Cre was walking out of his mansion and jogged to the car. "I know where they are at.Drive?" he said shutting the door the suburban.And Dre did as he was told.

Nikair P.O.V
I'm sitting in this room i just wanna leave.Fell in love with the wrong man.Now the devil is what i see.
I just wanna go home.

The room door latches unlocked from the outside and De walked in.He seen Nikair with the tears in her eyes and sadness reached across his face. "Shhh don't cry.I wont hurt you.I Love You too much." he said. "But you already have!! You hit me,take me when you want me."she said sobbing.He looked at her and shook his head.
"Tell me you love me Nhi." he said looking at her with tears in his eyes."he said. She looked at him crying because nomatter what she would always love him. "I do love you always will bu-." He shook his head and looked at her. "Go" he said motioning towards the door. She looked at him and scooted towards it. She got up to leave. "I Love You Nikair forever and always.I'm sorry for all the hurt and pain that i caused you.Beleive me i didnt mean any of it." She looked at the tears falling from his eyes and wiped the ones falling from hers. And she began to run out towards the door. Don't look back,just keep running,he's behind you. She told herself once she got out the door. She seen the car still parked infront of the door,but she had no keys.So she decided to keep running until all she heard was 'POW'. She stopped dead in her tracks. "No ,no,no,no" She thought while backing up towards the house,than she ran. When she hit the front door she. walked slowly into the house and to the room that he had her in -the door was closed.She eased the door open whispering De's name.
He didnt answer.When she opeaned the door De lay on the floor,blood everywhere,leaking.She screamed and fell to the floor."De" she said crawling to him.She grabbed his limp body and held it. Weeping for him to come back.
'De! Wake up please. Why you you do this? Leave us here.' she just lay there on the floor holding him in cold blood.

After about 30 minutes of laying there weeping. She heard something that sounded like the front door opening and feet running in. "Nikair" she heard a familar voice. Than she noticed Dre and Cre bust in the room.Guns drawn to find a weeping in shock Nikair and a dead De.

It's so cold...

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