Brighter Days Ahead

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It's eight in the morning.It's been three months since the incident happened with De. Nikair wasn't as vibrant as she normally was but she managed.She was always isolated,she hardly let anybody visit she even lost touch with Dre. She was all alone.Well except for the fact that she was about four months pregnant. Only Cre and Dre knew about her pregnancy.She sat around in her empty mansion lonely. Lord what have I done.I try to be the best person I can be. I have this fatherless child.Lord please lead me and guide me through all this.

And after she said her prayers there was a knock at the door.She slowly walked down the stairs and answered the door.It was Dre,he greeted her with million dollar smile and big gift bags. "Seeing as though I aint seen you in a minute I would like to greet you and that precious little bundle on the right note." he said. She looked at him ,it really brightened up her day to see him there.She backed up little and allowed him to enter. He did just that and took a seat on the couch.She came and sat on the opposite side fidgitting with her finger nails. He looked at her and laughed before grabbing her and pulling her closer."Come here." he said. He wrapped his arms around her waist and rested his hands on her stomach. She didnt say a word she just kept fidgitting with her nails. "Look Nhi,I know after all he put you through you still love him.But Nikair listen to me.I need you to open up your heart.Be real with me, I Love You and would do anything to show you.Just tell me something Nhi." he said.She didnt say a word,butt he did get a tear drop on his arm.In which he realized she was crying. "Dre i-I cant do this on my own.I have a baby,i pushed everybody away.Nobody here,all i have is you,Cre and Carrissa." she said weeping. "And I - "  " Nikair your my bestfriend,my one and only love, your right you have me.I wanna teach you how to be loved with no fear of anything.You just have to be down.You wont have to do anything but stay home,treat yourself,and treat this baby. I'm taking care of you now weather you like it or not" he boldly said.Than he got up and went into the kitchen to prepare them both something to eat.Nikair just sat back to think about what just happened. Could this really be the start of something new?

Sorry this chapter is so short.I'm working on alot of new things and plus school abd work is really tiring.But bare with me.LIKE,COMMENT,AND SUBSCRIBE. Thanks!!!

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