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She called and asked me out? She so confident,strong,beautiful.And for her to ask someone like me out to dinner damn. This is it. Right? I mean she is in a relationship. Dre shook his head and smiled as he slowly prepared his self for her call to come.

At around 5 o'clock he received a text from Nikair with the time and place.He smiled and went to take his shower. He couldnt get her off his mind.He had to have her. He wanted her. All he could see in his head was her,holding her,kissing her,and making love to her. He groaned and finished washing.

About 20 minutes later he was stepping out the shower wrapping the towel around him. He walked into his room and picked up the phone.No Text from Nikair. He went into his closet an searched for his all black Armani suit. About 30 minutes later he left from his home and made his way towards the resturant.

When he arrived about ten minutes later it was about time for Nikair to be arriving. So he ordered himself a few shots and a glass of water. It was about 6:35 when Dre looked at his clock.She wasnt here. He called her but got no answer. He couldnt beleive she stood him up.

How could she? He thought.


This bitch must have thought I was dumb.And I'm far from it.Hell yeah I beat her ass.Ion play bout mines. Wait,wait why did I hit her? Are you crazy bruh she cant go to work now cause of you. Stupid ass. Maybe I should call her job.Yeah thats what I'll do.

De walked into the room to still see Nikair laid out on the floor gasping for air holding her chest on the floor in pain. A part of him wanted to help her.But the voices talked him into just leaving her. He grabbed her phone and put in

the password and scrolled down to find Carrissa's number.

"Carrissa I was just calling to let you know that Nikair is not feeling to well. I don't know when she will be back in either." De got scared cause Nikair reached for him and dryly attempted to call Carrissa's name.

De looked at her and hung up the phone.He looked at Nikair and stepped over her and went into the closet and packed some clothes.

"I gotta get her outta here for a while. I cant let nobody see her like this.I gotta take her to the hospital though." No you dont" The voice in his head said. "Shut the hell up." he replied back to it while zipping up the suitcase. He grabbed the suitcase and her purse leaving the phone and put it all in the car and went back in the car.

When he got in the room she was sitting up on the wall.Her breathing was heavy and her head was crooked to the side and to De she looked like she was in a daze or shock. He went to pick her up bridal style. "Come on baby lets get you some help." When he picked her up her head fell back and her eyes slowly closed. He ran down the stairs,out the house,and to the car and laid her in the back seat.


I woke up in a damn hospital with a oxygen mask on my face. What the hell? Nikair pressed the nurse button and the nurse and De walked in. "Hey Ms.Williams. How are you doing sweetie?" she asked Nikair looked at her and shook her head.

She saw De in the the corner smiling but fidgitting with his fingers. " The nurse left and in walked Megan. Megan was Cre's ex girlfriend."Okay Ms.Williams." When she seen her first name she froze in shock. "Nikair." thats all she could say and think until the nurse came back in with her x-rays.Megan looked at De and back at Nikair. "Hey Nhi (ni)." Nikair looked at her and halfway smiled. "Well we x-rayed you pretty good. Your ribs are fractured. You do seem to have a slight concussion as well.Must have been a pretty bad fall down those stairs huh?" she giggled a little.

Nikair glanced at De and he walked out. "We will have you out here in about 20 minutes. We will prescribe you with pain meds." See you later baby girl and enjoy your vacation." And with that she left and the nurse came in and told her she would give her something to get rid of the pain.Nikair looked at De and he walked over next to the bed. " Bae when you leave the hospital we're gonna go on a little trip okay? Nikair started feeling a little drowsy.All she did was shake her head and slowly feel into a slumber.

When she woke up she was on a plane. She looked around and noticed she was in First Class and De was sitting next to her. he looked at her and smiled "Okay baby it's time to go M.I.A for a while." She looked at him and tried to figure him out and a tear fell from her eye. She turned back towards the window.

2 Days later

Nikair was in Brazil.She hadn't said anything to De since they got there. He turned his phone off after their first day ,left her phone home, and wouldn't let her use any phones inside the room. When she went out he went. She covered her bruises and headed out in sweats most of the time. He walked in the room while she was looking out the window. "Can we go home?" she asked. She could her him grunt. And he walked into the bathroom. She was slowly becoming depressed.With everyday in his presence. She went to the bed and fell asleep. Within minutes De came out the bathroom and laid behind her.

"Bae?' no answer

"Nikair I know you hear me!" he sounded angry.She groaned and when she did that he smacked her on her thigh causing another mark. She screamed and balled up on the bed.
"Bae i'm not gonna hurt you. You wanna go home right?" she shook her head yes. "Okay than I got a ticket in the bag for you to go home.I gotta finish some buisness up down here okay. I got the stuff just take the purse and ticket and go."She looked at him like he was crazy but she didnt take no time slipping some clothes on and grabbing her stuff to leave.

He grabbed her arm and looked at her angrily. "Don't make me fuck you up." And with that he let her go and she left .

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