A Stranger in My House

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Weeks had gone by and Nikair and Dre had grown closer and closer. She enjoyed every minute of his time.Well, the time he gave to her.
Nikair P.O.V
Don't get me wrong I Love me some Dre.But to be honest I cant deal with his sudden phone calls at night.He takes them and than up an leaves.And than when I ask him about it.He tells me it's nothing but buisness. Psshtt! speaking of that shit hos phone should be ringing any moment now.And i may do like i do every night play sleep.Nah fuck that.Imma sit here and read my book and see what he does than.

*ring* * ring *

Dre shuffles around alittle bit and turns around to look at Nikair.She looks at him as he hesitates to answer it.

N: You mine as well answer it you do it everyother time.

She said rolling her eyes at him.He exhaled and picked up his phone.

Nikair P.O.V
Same ole damn routine.Know watch he get up,go into the bathroom,go into the closet,comes out kisses my head, grabs his phone an keys,and away he goes. See what i told you.Every couple days or so we go through this.And after he leaves i just sit up and wait for him.I'm 5 months pregnant and I cant be stressing myself out like this wondering if he's out with another female or something.

Nikair shook her head and than laid down and drifted off to sleep.Nikair has been breaking her back left and right to make sure he was comfortable.He had his own office and all.He even tried to talk her into leaving his job claiming how he could provide for her. She rejected his offer nomatter how bad she wanted to do something better.And not to mention she was having a little girl. She was extremly estatic about that.She didnt tell Dre cause he was hoping for it to be a boy.He already had a name.Can you beleive it? He wanted to name him Deandre.In memory of De. Sweet right? I know. Nikair slept all through the night,tossing and turning.

'Mommie! Mommie! Look at me! Nikair was dreaming about a little boy sliding down the slide calling her mommie. Mommie? How could this even be possible.And than a little girl ran up to her looking just like the little boy.In the distance NIkair noticed a black truck pull up.And out the window stuck a AK-47.She knelt down before her children and told then to run as fast as they could and hide.They shook there head and she told them she loved them.She patted their butts and they ran.She than reached into her waist ban and grabbed both of her Barrettas.She started bussing,but the AK bullets hit her.One hit her in the Chest and the other got hit in the leg.She fell causing her to jump up from her dream.Dre woke up right bewhind her reaching underneath the bed grabbing a AK. Scanning around the room pointing it and than he at Nikair who was breathing hard,holding her stomach looking at him. "You iight?" he asked.She just looked at him.He slipped the gun back under the bed. And grabbed her and held her close. "You gone tell me what happened?" She just laid on his chest. "Somebody tried to kill me.When my babies were playing a-. " he cut her off.

"Babies?" he asked her.

She looked at him.I think theres two of them." She said touching her stomach.They both looked at eachother." What else happened?" he asked. She looked at him.

"Well we were at the park an we all was playing.A black suburbans was slowly driving down the street.It's like I knew what was about to happen.I knelt down an told them to run and they did." By this time she was sobbing. "I noticed the AK hanging out the window.I reached in my waist ban an pulled out two Barretas an we started bussing at the same time.I was hit in the chest an in the leg.I'm guessing i died." she said exhaling. He looked at her and his jaw clentched. "Baby it's something i have to tell you.And i dont know how you will take it.I pray this wont change anything that we are building up to become ours.Are you listening?" he asked.She shook her head and prepared for the worst. " I'm not only a doctor.I-I a drug dealer." Her eyes widened but nothing escaped.He waited until he spoke again. " And i run the biggest Cartel out here." he finished. " But i thought that Choppa was the biggest dealer out." She said shaking her head. He look at her and rubbed her cheek. "Baby, I am Choppa." All Nikair could do was look at him.So many thoughts were goind through her  head.All she did was lay down a stare off into space.He got up and went down stairs.

"So that explains him comming home late and everything."

Theres A Stranger In My House.

Sorry this chapter is so short,but i hope it was intresting as well.Please Like,Comment, and Follow!!!

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