Lizard pt. 2

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Aliyah's pov
We finally finished our snack after I told them to hurry a little. I was getting impatient okay. We already made the teams while we were eating. The teams are...

Team red

Team blue

Oh let me explain what dodge ball were playing. It's dodge ball. That easy. If you don't know what it is then you didn't have a childhood or a good gym teacher. "You guys ready?" Tom shouts from the other end. "Yes loser!" I shout back. "Go!" Robbie shouts and we start running for the balls. By 'we' I mean the others. I just stood there waiting. "Here" Lizzie hands me a ball and I thank her. I want to get either Scarly or Tom out first. Probably Tom. He's useless. I wait for the perfect time. The time when he's not looking my way which

I throw the ball right at his head. "Jackpot!" I yell and give Lizard a high-five. "Really Ali" he says walking out and waiting for us to finish. Ha loser. I dodge a few and throw a few. I'm actually really good at this game. So is Scarly. Soon mama gets hit and joins Tom on the side. I see from the corner of my eyes someone about to throw the ball at me. I immediately dodge it. I go to the corner and I see Lizzie going face to face with Scarly. Ohhhh this should be good. They were running towards each other so I was going to help Liz out. I was going to throw a ball at Scarly but I kind of tripped and accidentally pushed Lizzie over.

Lizzie's pov
Someone fell beside me and before I can see who it was, that person pushes me and I land on Scarlett. Again. She catches me like it was nothing. "Pause game" MK says and everyone stops and runs over to us and Ali. "Wow twice in one day" Scar whispers and I roll my eyes. It's then I realized that I'm straddling her and she's holding onto my hips. "Ali you okay?" I hear Hunter ask her and she nods. "Get a room" He the looks over at us as I blush.

"Liz really?" I hear Robbie say and I immediately get off her. I help her up of course. "Okay I think it's time to go back home" Ash says as we see Ali passed out on the floor. She's not really she's just so tired she just kind of gave up. "Can you carry me?" She asks MK. "Of course" she lifts her up and gives her a piggy back. She immediately passes out on her back. Wow she's really tired that one.

We pack our stuff and get ready to head out. Robbie is walking beside me and so is Scarlett. Oh god. I can't feel that way towards her. I can't. I'm with Robbie and I'm happy. But am I? I don't know. "Babe you okay?" I hear Robbie's voice and I look up. He looks worried. I see Scar looking at me also worried. "Yeah I'm good" they both nod and we get in the car. I put my seatbelt on. I then get a text from someone. I take my phone out and see it's a text from spider boy.

I read it. It says 'so you and Scar' with a wink emoji. I turn around to glare at him and he's just laughing. "What's so funny?" Ali asks looking confused. "Nothing" I tell her. "I'll tell you later" Tom says making my cheeks turn a bright pink. "No you will not Holland" I tell him and he just laughs. "Or what? Actually I take that back" he immediately says but I still glare at him. "Why is she so scary" he says looking out the window so that he can't look at me.

Aliyah's pov
I was out like a light until Tom said something that made me wake up just like that. He told me that he was going to tell me later and I nod. Lizzie looks scared but she's also blushing. "Ali wanna see the video I took of you and Scar?" Hunter asks me and I sigh and nod. "Why not" he shows me and it's when she tackled me. It was funny at the time but also not.

"Funny" I sarcastically told him and he just keeps on laughing. This child is broken. It wasn't that funny. We soon arrive home. Everyone gets out of the car but I just stay there. "Ali? You coming?" mom asks me and she holds my hand. "Yeah" I get out of the car still holding hands with her. We enter the house and I get tackled into a hug. "Ugh get off me" I said trying to push whoever was on me. "Wow I feel the love" it was Evans. "What are you doing here?" I walk past him.

"To hang out. Duh" he walks with me up to my room. "Are you going to follow me like a lost puppy?" I ask him and he just walks in and sits on my bed. "Yeah make yourself at home" I sigh and walk into my closet to get a hoodie. I found one of Scarly's that I stole that one time so I quickly put it on. Don't worry. My closet door was closed. I walk out and see Scarly, Lizard and Chris on my bed now. "So this is a meet up spot or something?" I ask them as I sit next to Scary.

"No, were just bored. The twins are making supper so we're just waiting" Lizard says. "Well then should we ask Tom and Robbie to join then?" I sarcastically tell them. "Sarcasms" Chris says and I roll my eyes. "Oh is there a party in here?" I look back and see Tom walking in with a bag of chips. "Tom stop eating. Don't you have a date to go on later?" I ask him and he blushes. "Shut up and I'll be fine" he sits down on my bean bag chair.

"Now Robbie" Chris says and I notice that Lizard looks upset after he said his name. "Lizard? What's up?" I ask her. "He's gone. He went to Toronto for a concert with his band" she tells me. "And we just figure this out now!?" I jump up but Scar pulls me back down telling me to shush. "He told me not tell anyone because then you'd want to go-" I roll my eyes. "Yeah no shit. I would have loved to go" I lay my head on Scarly's shoulder. "One day we'll go and be nice" Scarly tells me and I nod my head. "Can you braid my hair?" I ask her and she nods.

I get up to get some things she'll be needing. I then sit back down in front of her and she starts. While we wait, we decide to watch something on my tv. They let me chose so I decided on H2O Just add water. During the show, I noticed two things. One, Lizard wouldn't stop looking at my sister like she's looking at a pretty sunset. And second, Chris is really invested in the show. I decide to speak about the fact that Liz is staring.

"Why are you staring at my sister like that?" I whisper to Liz so that not everyone has to hear. "What-I'm not" she looks away and blushes. "I'm just pretty" Scar says making me roll my eyes. "And I look like garbage" I tell them. "Yes you do" Scar jokes. "You know that you look exactly like me. We could be twins if we really wanted too so basically you called yourself trash. You loser" I laugh at that. She's dumb. "Do you want me to continue braiding your hair or not?" She looks at me dead in the eyes.

"Sorry" I look away and let her continue. But she doesn't. I look back to see what's happening and I see her staring at Lizard. Ugh these two. "Scarjooooo" I call her. She hates that name. "Sorry" she snaps out of her dreams and continues braiding. After the episode is done, we play the next one since supper isn't ready but it's almost. Tom is now on the bed with his chips, Chris is on the floor now. I don't know why. Oh and Hunter came in during the last episode so he's on the bean bag chair. Lizzie is laying on the bed with her back up against the backboard.

Scarly is between her legs with her back against her chest and I'm in between Scar's legs as she has her arms wrapped around me. We stayed like that but I feel asleep. It's not my fault that my sister is so comfy. The next thing I know is that I feel something cold like water spill on my head. I quickly open my eyes and I'm about to punched whoever did that. "I swear to god you are a dead man" I tell them and they look at me scared. Good.

Who do you think did it?

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