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Aliyah's pov
I woke up feeling a arm around my stomach. I look down and see that Isabelle was laying beside me. I gently remove her arm and slide out of bed. I put an over size hoodie and walk downstairs to see what the others are doing and if they are up. I hear chatter so I make my way towards it. "Where's you pants?" I turn around to see Scarlett looking at me weirdly.

"I have them on stupid" I lift my hoodie so that she can see and not be blind. Not that she's already blind but you know. "You should really get-" I cut her off by raising my hand in her face. "Bitch at me later, I need to eat" I walk away from her and make my way to the kitchen. "Yeah, that's fine. She can stay here until we find any relatives that would take her in" I freeze to what I heard.

"What's going on?" I jump on the counter. "Is this your daughter?" The weird looking troll police office ask. Well, he isn't weird. He looks like a Walmart version of Vinnie Hacker mixed with Ryan Reynolds. Still looking like a troll. "Yes. This is Aliyah" mom comes over fixing my hair and kisses my head. I wrap my arms around her for a hug. "Is miss Johansson and miss Fay friends?" He ask her. She smiles and nods her head. "Okay so this should be easy" he takes some papers out.

I tap the mans shoulder. He looks over at me waiting for my question. "So, Walmart version of Vinnie Hacker and Ryan Reynolds, why are you here exactly?" I ask making Hunter laugh. "Ali, don't be rude" Scarlett tells me. "Didn't I tell you to bitch to me later?" I glare at her. She just glares back. I swear to god this woman is not related to me. I'm an angle. She's a devil.

"Anyways, I'm here so that miss Fay can live here until we find any relatives that wants to take her in" I nod my head. "Yes! Another hermana!" I unwrap myself from mom's embrace and jump off the counter doing a little dance. "What did she say?" The officer ask. Is he dumb? "Seriously? Man, he's too dumb to be a cop" I mumble but they ALL heard me. "I'm so sorry about that" Ashley shuts my mouth but I lick it making her remove it instantly.

"How about you go and get miss Fay for us so that we can go get her things" the Walmart looking bitch bent down to look at me. Like...I'm not that short. "Are you going to stop talking to me like I'm a baby?" I cross my arms. "Aliyah!" Everyone hisses in the room. "Fine. I'll go get her but I want you to buy me and Izzy a donut" he looks at me like I'm crazy. "I know you have some" I walk away, back to my room forgetting about breakfast. I started stomping up the stairs to make sure that Izzy knows I'm coming. I stomp all the way to my room and open the door to see her half asleep. "Wake up!" I shout making her jump and open her eyes immediately.

Vanessa's pov
We hear Ali stomp up the stairs like there's no tomorrow. "She's not usually like this" MK speaks up explaining things. "Oh she is" my siblings tell him. "Okay? Um I'll be at miss Fay's house to inspect" he says leaving us. "Hunter, can you and Chris go with the girls?" I ask them. Oh yeah, Chris is here because he wanted food. "But my food" Chris whined. "You can get that later" Lizzie pokes him. "Fine" they both agree. "Okay great! Robbie will be back in about two hours for anyone asking" Ashley says starting breakfast. Everyone else goes to the living room to wait but Lizzie stays back to help.

Aliyah's pov
I totally regret doing that. She's now curled into a ball, crying. "Shit, Izzy I'm sorry" I run up to her but she flinched away from me. "D-don't do that" she says shaking like a leaf. "I'm so so sorry. I really wasn't thinking" I approach her slowly. She doesn't move. She looks straight ahead making me feel really bad. I carefully sit down next to her and she hugs me. I hug her back, rubbing her back to comfort her. "I'm so sorry Izzy. I really am" she nods her head. "It's okay" she whispers making me about to cry. "No it's not. You didn't deserve that. No one does".

We stay like that until I remembered what's happening downstairs. "Izzy?" She pulls away from me and wipes her tears away. "Yeah?" She looks at me deep into my eyes making me a little uncomfortable. I don't know why though. "Don't freak out but we need to go to your house to get your things since your staying with us until one of your relatives come and get you" I look at her nervously. She hasn't said anything.

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