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Aliyah's pov
I woke to my alarm blaring in my ear. "I guess I should give back the hoodie" I said as I got up and got ready for the day. I folded the hoodie nicely and placed it in my backpack. I then went downstairs, with my backpack, and grabbed an apple to eat on the way. I was putting my shoes on and getting ready to leave the door until someone stopped me. "Where do you think your going?" I turned around to see Ms. Meier's looking like shit. "Um Tom is helping me with my homework" I lied. I wasn't going to tell her the real reason. She wouldn't have let me go if I did.

"It's Saturday" bitch please. "Exactly" I waited for her response but she just left so I think it's safe to go now. "Okay, only 15 minutes" I looked at my phone to see where I was going. But first, I stopped by a store to get them some chocolate for a thank you gift. I don't know what they like or if they even like chocolate. So I just got them ones who look the best. "Thank you" I told the cashier and walked out on my way to their house.

Ashley's pov
My sister and I got ready for the day since we didn't have any interviews or all of that boring stuff. We finally had a day off. "Lizzie texted and said that she would be here in an hour" Mary-Kate told me as she walked in my room. "Ash?" She noticed that she I paying any attention. "What do you think about the girl from last night?" I asked, turning around waiting. "What do you mean?" She was confused to where this was coming from but she also knew what she was talking about.

"She's a foster kid..." Mary-Kate sat down next to me. "And she needs a proper home and someone to love her" I finished off. "Stop" she stopped me. "I know where this is going and I agree with you" I smile at her. "And there's a 'but' coming" I just knew it. "But we should at least get to know her" I do agree with her on that one. "You're right" I  got up and took my car keys and left my sister there in my room. "Where are you going?" She finally caught up to me. "To get to know this kid better" she put her shoes on, so do I. "Ready?" I ask opening the door. "Ready" my sister replies and we start walking but we ran into someone.

Aliyah's pov
It's been about 13 minutes until I finally found the house. They lived in a nice, fancy house. "Are they rich or something?" Well obviously. I walked up to the door and I was about to knock but the door opened instead. "Oh" one of the twins said almost running me over. "Hi" I said shyly. Oh my god my anxiety is going up. 'Keep it together Aliyah' I told myself. "Um I came here to give you your hoodie back" I reached in my bag and took it out and handed to either Mary-Kate or Ashley.

"Thank you" she took it with her left hand. I notice that she was the taller twin. 'Okay so the taller one is Mary-Kate' I told myself. "Oh and I got you guys a 'thank you' gift" I reached inside my bag again and took out the chocolates. "It's for you guys" I hand them over and they gladly take it. "Oh my gosh you didn't have to" Ashley stepped in kind of shoving her sister out of the way. That made me laugh a little. "It's no problem" I closed my bag. "Well, I should get going now" I turned around and walk down the steps.

"Wait!" one of the twins literally shouted so I turn around to see what they wanted. "Yeah?" I was nervous. Shitting bricks. "Are you doing anything for the rest of the day?" Mary-Kate asked me. I walked back up the stairs slowly just in case she was trying to jump me or something. "No...not really" I said facing them again and I notice that they have huge smiles on their faces. "Do you want to hang out with us for a while?" Ashley ask.

"Umm" I didn't know what to say. They were still strangers to me. "I guess" I walked in still debating if I should make a run for it. 'Nah they seem really nice' I told myself as I took my shoes off and place my backpack down by the door. "So my first question is..." Ashley sat down on the couch and told me to do the same. "What's your name?" I thought I told her my name already? "Um Aliyah" I replied playing with my fingers and I noticed them looking at each other with questioning looks.

"No last name?" Mary-Kate asked. "Not that I know of" I sigh. "Can you tell me a little about yourself?" Ashley asked another question which I didn't mind. I feel like I'm less stress and don't have bad anxiety when I'm with them. They seem to calm me. "Yeah..." I didn't know what to say. "Um I play softball and volleyball , I really like sports. I would play anything. I'm in grade 10 at Midwood High School umm yeah that's literally it" there isn't much about me.

"Cool, our younger sister used to play volleyball in high school" Ashley told me. "Really!" I got excited. If I meet her, then we could talk about that since Tom doesn't really play sports and stuff. But he's an actor soooo. "Yeah she can be intense sometimes" Mary-Kate said laughing. "Speaking of the devil" Ashley got up because she heard the front door open.

Mary-Kate's pov
Ashley got up from her spot because she heard someone come in the house. "Hey" she said reaching the front and gave a hug to our younger sister, Elizabeth Olsen. But we call her Lizzie or Liz. "What's up?" Lizzie asked walking to the living room. "Who's this young beautiful lady?" Lizzie asked setting her stuff down on the floor like she always does. "This is Aliyah" I introduced her and she waved. "The girl we were thinking of adopting" Ashley whispered in Lizzie's ear and she nodded.

"So how old are you?" Lizzie asked Aliyah. "15 almost 16" she smiled. "That's amazing" we all laughed. "So I'll be staying here for a while" Lizzie said sitting down next to Aliyah. "Like you always do" Ashley said sitting back down where she was before. "Hey don't expose me like that" she threw a pillow at our sister. We all talked for the rest of the day and got to know Aliyah better. We learned that her favorite color is peach and that her favorite food is...literally anything. Lizzie and Aliyah also talked about volleyball which I don't see how it's so fascinating. But now it was time for her to go. Not that we wanted her too.

Aliyah's pov
"You sure you can walk back?" Lizzie asked me. She was concerned. All of them were. "Yeah, it's not that late and it's a 15 minute walk so I should be fine" I told her trying to reassure her. "Here's our numbers if you need anything" Ashley gave me a card and I thanked her and put it in my pocket. "Okay thanks guys!" I waved at them while walking away and they waved back. I made my way back 'home' and it was actually peaceful. I got there and went upstairs to actually start on some homework.

Lizzie's pov
"She's really sweet" I told the twins after we couldn't see Aliyah anymore. "I know" Ashley smiled. "We should do it" Mary-Kate said. "If that makes you guys happy then you should" I told them giving them a hug then going up to my room.

Ashley's pov
"We can go tomorrow and sort this all out" I told my twin as we walked in the kitchen starting supper. "I can't wait!" She said almost cutting herself. "Be careful idiot" I took the knife out of her hands and I started to cut the vegetables and she did something else. After we ate, we all talked for a bit then went to bed since we were all tired. I can't wait for tomorrow.

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