The plan pt. 2

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Lizzie's pov
Ali cuddled next to me during the movie and I can tell that somethings off. Three things.

1. Aliyah's is doing something to piss Scarlett off but I'm not sure what.
2. Scarlett looks a bit sad due to Aliyah's movements or something.
3. And for the last one, Hunter is an actual teenage girl.

"Can we have popcorn?" Ali suddenly ask me. "Yeah sure. Let's go make it" I get up and take her hand leading her to the kitchen. "You know where things are right?" She ask me. "Yeah of course" I look for all the stuff we need. "Need help?" I hear Scarlett walk in and sitting down at one of the island chairs. "No! She will ruining everything. She can't cook" Ali whispers the last part to me. "Okay I guess I'll sit and watch then" Scar actually seems upset. I'll talk to her after.

"Can you get the butter and warm it up for me?" I ask her and she nods. Finally now that's she's occupied, I'll talk to Scarlett. Alone. "Hey bubs, what to go talk?" I walk up to her. She has her head in her hands. "Hey look at me" she sighs and looks up. "You okay?" I ask and she nods. I go around the huge island and take her hand leading her up to my room. "Sit" I pat the spot next to me but she sits on me. That's fine. She needs it right now. "So what's on your mind?" I ask her and she sighs.

"She loves you more than me" that's all she said. "What do you mean?" she frowns. "Well she only wants you to help her with things and I don't get it". She sighs leaning her head on my shoulder. "She's fifteen and wants attention..." I don't know what to say. "She would always do this when she was younger whenever I did something wrong" she tells me. "And what could you have done so wrong?" she shrugs. "I don't know" that's when Aliyah comes in. "Popcorns ready" she ignored Scar and runs back to the living room. "See? Doesn't even know I'm here" she gets up and leaving to go to the living room. I soon follow her and sit next to her.

Aliyah's pov
Lizard sat next to Scarly...but I just kept on watching the movie. They were laughing making me want to turn around and smack them but I knew I can't. Finally the movie ended and I was going to go back to my room so that I can FaceTime Tom and talk about what happened earlier. Not just the plan, but what I saw on Scarlett's phone. But I got stopped by Scarly. "Aliyah. Let's talk" she says in a stern voice. Not gonna lie. That shit scared me.

I follow her up to her room and sit down on her bed scrolling through my phone until she speaks. "Get off your phone!" She snatched that shit from my hand. "Hey! Give it back!" I tried reaching for it but she's too tall. Not really though. "Now sit your ass down and tell me why you're acting like this" she puts my phone on the fucking top shelf. How tf am I supposed to get that now? "I don't know what you mean?" Yes I know what she's talking about. I'm not dumb.

"Don't play dumb with me" she says but I roll my eyes. Nope. She can figure that out herself. I didn't speak for a solid five minutes. She didn't either. She was waiting for me. I wanted to leave. Especially when she's shooting daggers in my eyes. "Omg look!" I point out to her massive window. "What?" She looks and that's when I ran for the hills. I don't give a fuck about my phone. I'm leaving.

I can hear her running after me but I kept running. I kind of ran into someone on the way. "Woah what's up?" It was MK. "Come. With me please" I tug on her arm and run outside. We run down the street away from the house. "Okay can you tell me what's going on with you? Why are you stressing?" I sit us down on a bench near a park. "It's Scarly" I look down while playing with my fingers. "What do you mean?" Should I tell her? Yes. I can trust her.

"Um well it's easier to show you but I can't because it's on her phone" she nods her head and I keep going. "Okay so basically earlier when lizard and I were making popcorn, Scarly left her phone on the counter and I saw that she got a text from someone named 'mom'" "Are you sure it said that?" She asks me and I nod. "Did you read the text?" I nod my head again. "It said 'hey Scarlett, I miss you and Hunter especially my baby girl Aliyah'". Her jaw drops and I nod knowing what she's thinking about.

"Do you think?" I sigh. "I don't know" I scoot over and lean my head on her shoulder. "If this is true, she can take me back and I don't want that. I love living with you guys" that's when I started to cry. Thinking of how my 'mom' is alive. But I don't know if it's true or not. "Hey bubs don't cry okay. It'll be fine" she tells me while combing through my hair. "Why didn't she tell me? That moms alive?" I look up at her as she wipes my tears away. "I don't know" I sigh and it's now that I notice paparazzi coming our way.

"We should go" MK tells me but I stop her. "Can I talk to them?" She looks at me like I'm crazy. "Eh yeah sure" we walk up to them and they take a few pictures then they stop. Damn. Respect. "Hi guys, what are you guys up too?" I ask them trying to be nice and all. "Nothing much actually. We saw Justin Bieber a few seconds ago" this woman said and my eyes light up. "Where!?" I ask and she points to a direction.

"MK can we go look for him!?" She only laughs at me. They are taking a video of what's going on. I didn't mind. I don't care about paparazzi. "We can try and look for him" she tells me. "Okay now is there anything you want from us?" I ask paparazzi. "Yeah just take a few photos if you don't mind" I smile. "Not at all" I do some funny poses for them and they laugh. Thanking me after and leaving us be. "Hurry up I want to see if we can find the Biebs" I took MK hands and ran to where they said he'd be.

We actually did find him. He just got in his car with Hailey. "Darn it" I watch them drive away. I hear a ding coming from MK's phone and she looks at it. "Woah girl you are famous just from this video" she shows it to me. It was the video taking like five seconds ago. It says...

Aliyah Johansson gets excited about wanting to meet JB. Will her dreams come true?

"Haha that's funny" I handd her back her phone and we get Starbucks cause MK wanted some. I didn't get anything. Jk I just got a cake pop. We walked back home and as we entered, everyone was standing there looking worried. Well Scarly was looking pissed off but I don't care. "Yes?" I ask them. "Girl why did you run out like that?" Hunter comes up to me and gives me a piggy back. "Because of something" I told him while we walked past Scarlett. She was eyeing my but I ignored her.

"Ash, can we have tacos?" I ask her as she comes up to me helping me down from Hunters back. "We just had that last week" she tells me fixing my hair a little. "Please? I'll help you cook it so will Hunter" she looks at me then Hunter. "Okay. Anything for you" I smile and run to the kitchen to make some food. Scarlett, lizard and MK were there but I didn't mind. They soon left to give us some space but Scarlett stayed. "Here's your phone" she hands it to me. I take it without saying thank you. "Okay let's cook" Hunt says washing his hands.

As we are cooking, hunter starts talking to me. "What's up with you and Scarlett? I can feel the tension flowing in the air" I look up at him and sigh. Should I tell him? Does he know about 'mom'? "When did mom die?" I ask him. "A couple years after you left...why?" He stops what he was doing. "Well I saw on Scarlett's phone that she got a text from someone called 'mom' and it said that she misses us" Hunt looks like he doesn't believe me but he does at the same time.

"How? She's dead" I shrug my shoulders. "How did she die exactly?" I ask him. "Long story short, she died in a car accident. We don't know how and why. They wouldn't tell us" I nod my head. That's sus. Really sus.

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