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Aliyah's pov
It was later that night and I had a whole plan so that I can figure out who my mom is. I did some research and it says that she lives in Dallas. I got her address with the help of Tom. I didn't tell him it was about my mother though. I told him that I was looking for my old bestie. Then I got a plane ticket. One to go there and one to go back home. If I'm even coming back. I'm looking up where the house is exactly and it seems that it's in a nice neighborhood. So that's good. Not going to get killed walking there, I hope.

I'm now looking up some- "What are you doing?" I immediately shut my laptop and hide it under my pillow as Chris walks in my room. "Eh nothing. Why are you here?" I ask him as he sits down on my bed. "I'm sleeping over duh" he says while licking his damn popsicle. "Cool" can this man leave? "So why are you hiding your computer?" He ask now looking at me dead in the eyes. "No reason" I answer it a little too fast. "Truth please" he says finishing up his popsicle.

I immediately came up with a lie. "I-I'm looking for a gift" his eyes lit up. "Oh for who?" He asks laying on my bed. "Can't say but it's for someone in this room" he just smiles. "Oh well then I should go" he gets up and leaves me alone. I get up from my bed thinking I need to pack some clothes. I grab the biggest backpack that I have and walk to my closet. I grab some shirts, pants, some undies and bras then I go to my bathroom and get my toothbrush and toothpaste. And some other things I'll be needing.

As I finish that, I hid my bag behind some dirty clothes in the back of my closet. I have a flight leaving tonight at 11:30 and it's only 8:35. I have a bit of time. I was about to go downstairs but I get stopped by someone yelling my name. "Yeah!?" I shout back. I didn't get an answer. I sigh and walk downstairs. "Why bother yelling my name if you guys aren't going to answer me?" I sit down on the couch where everyone else is. "I don't know" Hunter said making me get up and go back to my room. Why do I bother?

I lay on my bed in my room watching Euphoria. "What are you watching?" Scarlett walks in my room making me roll my eyes. "Euphoria now leave" I told her but she didn't listen. She sat her ass down on my bed and watched it with me. I just let her because I wasn't about to argue with her. There was a sex scene so Scarlett hide my eyes and fast forward it. The episode was finally done and it was almost time for me to leave. In about 30 minutes. "I'm going to bed" I told Scar as I pushed her out of me room.

"It's only 9:30" she looks at me like I'm crazy. "Yeah and I'm tired" she shakes her head and leaves me alone. I put on my pyjamas on and run downstairs to tell the others that I'm going to bed so that they can't check up on me later. They were all watching a movie. "Okay goodnight babe" lizard says and I quickly hug everyone. Even Scarlett which I really didn't want too. It would be really rude if I didn't.

I then ran back upstairs and 'fell asleep'. I quickly changed into sweatpants and a hoodie. I put on a baseball hat that I stole from Scarlett and some shoes that Hunter got me the other day. Before I sneaked out my window, I turn my tv back on and put Brooklyn nine-nine because they know that I like to watch something as I fall asleep. I also turn my LED lights on at a low color cause I also do that. I look around my room one more time thinking if I needed anything else. I guess I'll bring my house key too. I put them in my bag and unlock my window. I silently and carefully climb out of my room. It is on the second floor, but there is a little ladder thing on the side so I used that.

I climb down looking around making sure that no one saw me. Okay I'm in the clear. There's an Uber waiting for me down the street so I run to it and climb in. "Hi, take me to the airport please" I tell her and we are off. It wasn't that far, maybe a 15 minute drive. Anyways, we arrived and I got out. "Here you go" I give her a tip and she thanks me. I walk in the airport with my hat still on my head and my hair in a low ponytail. I hope no one recognizes me.

I walk to the check out place and blah blah blah. I do all that fun stuff and now I'm in the plane getting seated and getting comfortable. I look out the window and chill. I know I'm going to get in big trouble for this but I need answers so. "Oh thank you" I recognize that voice. It was Letitia Wright (Shuri from black panther). I turn around to face her and she had a surprise look on her face. "Aliyah? What are you doing here?" She looks around. "And by yourself?"  argh shit.

"Um I'm visiting my friend in Dallas" I tell her. It's a half lie. I am going there but not for a friend. "The twins and your siblings let you go by yourself?" She ask getting comfortable. "Eh yeah. Took a lot of convincing" she laughs a little. "So what are you doing?" I ask her looking back out of the window. "I'm filming a little something in Dallas" she says. I nod my head and the plane took off. I sat there talking with Letitia for a bit then she did her own thing and I did mine.

"See you later" I say getting up and leaving the plane. But Letitia stops me before I get in an Uber. "Text me when you arrive at your friends okay?" I nod my head and hug her. "Have fun" she tells me kissing the top of my head. "You too" we go our separate ways and I get in the Uber. I told the lady the address and thank god it was only an hour away. "Here we are" she says and I thank her. I give her some money and I get out. I check my phone one last time to make sure that it's the right place. I look up at the nice house. Yup. This is it.

I walk to the stairs and stop at the front door looking like it's a nice piece or art. I'm scared. What if she doesn't like me. What if she sends me back right away. I have so many questions right now it's killing my head. I shake away the feeling and take some deep breaths. "Okay. You got this. You got this" I tell myself. "Here goes nothing".

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