chapter three

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ATHENA WAS BORED. SITTING BEHIND the Warren's Library front desk wasn't something she was particularly fond of doing on that foggy morning, especially when she knew no one would walk through the front door. That's what she thought, but the rare jingling of the bells above the entrance told her otherwise.

She glanced up from the Shakespearean text in her hands, mouth open to greet the customer like she had been taught, but stopped upon seeing Trevor awkwardly looking around. 

"Trevor?" His head whipped towards her worriedly before he began to smile, taking a deep breath once casting his eyes upon her memorable face.

"Athena," he muttered beneath his breath as he started to approach her. Surprisingly, he placed a black cup on the counter between them, catching the girl's attention as she began to rise from her seat.

"I got you a hot chocolate, I don't know if you like them but-"

"A hot chocolate?" She whispered with a grin, lightly placing the thick book next to the cup on the bench. Once he'd nodded with slightly furrowed brows, she skipped around the counter towards the confused boy. Then, suddenly, she wrapped her freckled arms around him as she let out a laugh.

Hesitantly, he relaxed into the embrace and circled his arms around her waist with a smile, his cheeks glowing a crimson red. He never wanted the moment to end — and little did he know, neither did she — but the gleeful girl wanted her hot drink. Her drink came before everything.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you," she muttered profusely as she picked up the hot chocolate with both hands, sighing with satisfaction as it warmed up her shaking palms. She brought it up to her lips and took a small sip, humming with delight as the liquid descended down her throat. "This- this is how you get a girl," she pointed to the cup with a grin before walking back behind the desk.

"That was the plan," he whispered beneath his breath as yet another deep blush overtook his cheeks and nose.

"Hmm?" Athena murmured as she took another sip of the drink, sitting down in the chair with raised brows as she awaited his response. He looked at her alarmed, not realizing he'd heard her, before stuttering out a lie.

"Nothing." Athena naively nodded before placing the black cup on the counter and looking up at him with a smile.

"When does your work start?" She questioned with interest, her eyes trailing his as he adjusted his stance against the bench.

"Well, I think I'm supposed to be there right now" he held his head in his hands as his elbows connected with the bench beneath him, not noticing Athena's suddenly exasperated expression.

"Then what are you doing here? Go, now!" She hurriedly pointed to the door as Trevor met her gaze worriedly, nodding once before rushing out of the library without another word. All the girl did was shake her head with a laugh, reaching for her drink she savored as a red hue cast across her freckled cheeks.

— '•⁂𑁍⁂•'

The renowned pair were sitting in the library late that afternoon, Trevor leaning over the desk with his work hat placed unevenly on top of his curled hair and Athena sitting in her chair tiredly with her elbows resting on the lower half of the desk. Their relaxed conversation was interrupted as soon as Athena's friend and Trevor's workmate, Lucky, walked through the front door.

"Lucky, hi!" Athena greeted kindly as she waved from her seat, drawing her friend out of her prolonged, suspicious glare at the boy across from her. She waved back with a bright smile before walking towards them, her eyes dancing around the cozy bookstore admiringly.

"We're heading out. Wanna come with?" Said girl suggested whilst picking up a book, flicking through it, and placing it back down. She looked up with a raised brow as she approached the pair at the front desk.

"Yeah, can Trevor come?" Athena tilted her head in his direction with a pleading smile as he nervously looked between the two girls. Lucky narrowed his eyes on him, watching as he squirmed under her strong gaze. "Come on, Luck. What's it matter?"

She looked back at her sweet friend with pressed lips before letting out a sigh "Yeah, yeah, whatever. I'll let the boys know."

"Thank you, my love," Athena cooed as Lucky backed out of the library, saluting her before walking back towards the colorful diner. She span in her seat to face the confused boy, him meeting her glance in the middle with furrowed brows. "So, you ready?"

"For what?" He questioned worriedly. Whatever the two girls had planned, he didn't know if he wanted to agree to. Especially if the boys they had mentioned were the people from the diner. They had given him crap to deal with for the entirety of his four hour shift at the restaurant next door, annoying him to shreds about his first encounter with Athena at their front counter.

"To go? We go up the mountain sometimes," she explained with a convincing smile, her eyes shining with some sort of excitement Trevor had never seen before.

"Who's we?" He asked hesitantly. His eyes trailed after her as she collected her phone and book, tucking her phone in her back pocket before moving around the desk to find the book's home on one of the numerous shelves.

"The people from the diner. Come on, before we lose the good seats," she told him whilst tucking the novel back into it's assigned spot, skipping towards him and reaching for his hand. Reluctantly, he let her drag him out of the shop. Not so reluctantly, he let her hold his hand until they reached the teenager-filled truck. He really didn't want to go, but if it meant he got more time to spend with Athena even if it was when they were surrounded by pestering teens he would take it.

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