chapter eighteen

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"I CAN'T BELIEVE I GOT roped into this," Athena mumbled after the group had taken their uncomfortable seats on the mine elevator

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"I CAN'T BELIEVE I GOT roped into this," Athena mumbled after the group had taken their uncomfortable seats on the mine elevator. 

Trevor was across from her. He lightly kicked her leg to gain her attention, offering her a tilted head and a grin as she tiredly glanced up from her staring contest with the floor. She couldn't help but smile as two blooming red hues encapsulated both the teens' faces. 

"So, what do a cigarette and hamster have in common?" The only sound in their descent was the squeaky wheels of the contraption scraping against the metal, before Phoebe spoke up to try and defuse the strange tension surrounding the four.

"What?" Podcast asked as he curled his fingers around the ledge of the seat, leaning forward to add suspense to the simple joke.

"They're both harmless until you stick one in your mouth and light it on fire."

Podcast laughed. Athena bit her lip to hide her smile. Trevor rolled his eyes, "The worst time."

The rest of the ride was quiet, even though it only lasted a few more minutes. Athena appreciated Phoebe's attempt at conversation, but the eerie atmosphere of the caves below made it hard to ignore.

When they reached the bottom, Trevor held out a hand to help Athena out of the carriage before turning around. The pair looked around the spacious, underground area with their flashlights, still hand in hand - mouths wide in astonishment.

"This is so creepy," Athena muttered beneath her breath.

"Tell me ab- wait. Is that her? Is that Gozer?" Trevor questioned as he pointed his handheld light towards a stone pillar with someone's face carved into it.

"Gozer isn't he, or she," Phoebe uttered as she approached the two, Podcast not far behind.

"Really? That's cool," Athena offered as she looked up at the intricately carved design.

"Cool?" Podcast queried with furrowed brows.

"Yeah, especially for that day and age." She walked ahead of the group with Trevor, swinging their arms back and fourth as they made their way around the cave. 

"Everyone watch your steps," Trevor yelled out, craning his head back so his voice would reach the younger kids behind them. However, he quickly turned back around when he heard Athena yelp, the girl clinging onto his shoulder to steady herself. "Athena be careful."

She glanced at him with a sheepish smile. Whilst the two were innocently talking, eyes settling on nothing in particular in the darkness of the cave, Phoebe noticed something daunting.

"Another hole?" She muttered aloud, attracting the attention of everyone else in the underground area. Trevor and Athena shared yet another glance before heading over to the younger girl. "I wonder where this one leads to?"

"A sacrificial death pit!" Podcast shouted, gasping as his mind rolled to the thought.

"I highly doubt that," Athena instantly shut down, sending the boy a sympathetic smile as he sighed with defeat.

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