chapter thirteen

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THEIR THOUGHTS WERE PROVED RIGHT. The four teens knew they would have to face some repercussions after breaking several laws, including driving without a license, damaging property and using illegal / unknown weapons, all in public. They had been escorted to the local police station and carelessly thrown into one of the tiny jail cells, one of only few, whilst trying to negotiate a way out of their unfortunate situation. Although, as much as they tried, the police weren't giving into their pestering, leading them to later give up on the whole ordeal.

"We were on that big mountain," Trevor started to explain to the younger children in the cell, recounting the previous night's random adventure the pair on the left went on with numerous other citizens of Summerville. "And then me and Athena-"

"Athena and I," she corrected him with a small smile, peering over her knees that she held beneath her chin to glance at his soft features. He turned to look at her, deadpanned, before she let out a small chuckle. It was the closest she'd gotten to being happy and worry-free since they'd been forced into the enclosed space. She had been stressed ever since.

Her laugh made Trevor stifle a gentle smile, one that was suddenly urging to be let out and illustrated across his face as his eyes softened with wonder, before he turned back to the pair on the other bench.

"Anyway, then it started shaking, like an earthquake. And there were lights! And then I just looked down in this giant hole. Inside of it, right in the middle of it, was either a person or a reptile . . . are you even paying attention right now?"

Trevor's attention had moved from his poor excuse of a story to his sister's friend, who was busy gawking at the metal bars surrounding the four. He stayed like that, mesmerized by their dull surroundings, before finally clocking onto the numerous pairs of eyes flickering at him.

"Yeah, I'm just excited we're in jail," he expressed with a sheepish grin. Trevor rolled his eyes over to Athena, who he thought was paying attention, but was really more focused on the wall infront of them. Noticing her down behavior, he frowned before acting upon it, slyly shuffling closer before resuming his story.

"I thought I heard someone say 'Gozer'-" he continued aimlessly, before someone unknown to them spoke from the other occupied cell. They thought they were the only people in the Summerville police station - except for the officers and guards - let alone another person sounding to be their age.

"He speaks the truth," an infamous voice said from behind the two older teens. Trevor whipped around and grabbed onto Athena's arm out of habit, but relaxed upon realizing who it was. It was only a harmless waitress, the harmless waitress they all knew and loved.

"Hey, Luck," Athena uttered as she cast her friend a glance, struggling to maintain the simple smile she plastered across her lips. The dark-haired girl squinted her eyes as she studied her friend, sparing a questioning glance at Trevor with a pointed brow. However, he only knew as much as she did, so he merely shrugged.

"Why are you in jail?" He interrogated with furrowed brows, still confused about the whole situation. He knew she could be short-tempered and impatient, which he learnt by working along side her at the diner, but nothing that could lead her to jail time. But, then again, same did go for him.

"I actually murdered someone-"

"You are so dumb," Athena cut her off with a light laugh, shaking her head unbelievably before letting it drop back on her knees. She sank back into her lonely pit of despair, the constant thoughts and worries of everything in her life dawning on her amidst the surprise-filled cell room.

Lucky found herself laughing along side her friend until she realized she'd stopped. She finally perceived and recognized her friend's odd behavior. She knew exactly what was going through the frizzy-haired girl's mind.

She immediately crouched down and held onto the bars by Athena's side, her fingertips brushing against the girl's lower arm. "Hey, Thena?" Said girl hummed in response. "You don't have to worry, okay?"

Athena frowned before lifting her head up in questioning. Lucky was reassuring her - of what, she didn't know - but it caught her full attention nevertheless. Trevor, suddenly feeling out of place, looked between the pair with confusion as Phoebe and Podcast shared a nervous glance in the background. They were sitting on the furthest seat, legs dangling over the wooden boards as they listened into the dramatic conversation between the two girl's separated by a wall.

"I told dad to call your pops, not you mum," she explained in a single breath, not taking her eyes of the once frightened girl as all of her features slowly unraveled. Athena let out a breath she didn't know she was holding, smiling as she felt her tense muscles softly relax beneath her freckled skin.

"Thank you." The girl sat up in an instant, wrapping her slender fingers around the girl's hands still intertwined with the cold, metal bars. "Thank you so much."

Out of pure gratefulness and relief, she leaned her forehead against the railing and took a deep breath, a stray tear slipping out of the corner of her right eye before traveling down her soft skin and landing on her dirty shirt. Nobody saw it but Trevor, who didn't tell a soul.

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