chapter ten

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AS MUCH AS TREVOR AND Athena questioned the two younger children in the back, they could not get an answer

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AS MUCH AS TREVOR AND Athena questioned the two younger children in the back, they could not get an answer. All they wanted to know was what they were doing and what they were getting themselves into, but alas, Phoebe and Podcast quietly chatted amongst themselves whilst pleasantly ignoring the two elders.

"Okay, so what the hell is going on?" Trevor asked yet again after he'd parked the rusty car along the edge of a small Summerville street. Him and Athena had turned in their seats - sitting cross-legged and facing each other - as the kids sat calmly in the back.

"In the 1980's, New York City was attacked-" Podcast finally started to come up with a response, yet Athena wasn't having it. She had heard those words at least a thousand times.

"We all know the stories, dude," she interrupted, wanting to get to the point. His incessant rambling her and Trevor had to listen to as they drove from the farm into town was enough to set her off, so she wasn't going to have to painfully endure it again.

"Yeah, well, those stories are real," Podcast confirmed with a single nod of his head. Upon hearing this, Athena went wild. She slowly panned her head over to Trevor's confused face with a fierce grin as his eyes caught onto her. He knew what was coming.

"I knew it! I told everyone, but no one listened to me. You all doubted me but I was right. Again! I was right, again!" Athena celebrated loudly with a smile, throwing her hands around the vehicle to portray her excitement.

"Hey, I never doubted you," Trevor began as he stifled a laugh, reaching for her hands that were flailing around infront of him. He gently grabbed them, watching as a light red hue started to grow across her cheeks, pulling them down between them.

"You did, you were insinuating it," Athena cleared up as his thumb brushed against the back of her hand, sending shivers tingling up the length of her arm. A disgusted Phoebe in the back ignored the pair by pulling out a contraption.

"Our grandfather was Egon Spengler. He was a Ghostbuster," she explained without taking her eyes off her brother, whose expression had changed in seconds.

"All units for hidden reports of, well . . . some kind of animal has taken a bite out of Deen Fletcher's truck," the radio hummed. Everyone's eyes widened as they shared glances amongst each other.

"Muncher," both Phoebe and Podcast mumbled worriedly, pupils landing on each other as their brains fumbled to generate an adequate plan.

"Muncher?" Athena questioned with confusion. She glanced over at Trevor to see if he knew what was happening, but he was clearly just as confused as she was.

"It's a ghost. It eats everything," Podcast cleared up nonchalantly. Whilst Trevor rolled his eyes and looked back outside the dirty windshield, scanning the area for any signs of a ghost or monster that fit the general description of what he'd been given, Athena gasped with both shock and despair.

The frightened teen leant in closer to the center of the vehicle, eyes darting around the windows as to catch any lurking supernatural beings. "Will it eat me?" She asked nervously as her fingers tapped against one another anxiously.

"No." Trevor immediately shook his head as his eyes softened. However, Podcast had uttered a yes at the same time, face deadpanned and eyes lacking that of any emotion. Trevor shot him a glare as Athena suddenly panicked, but was calmed down once Trevor had talked her through it with ease.

"We need to find it," Phoebe told them seriously, sick of their childish actions and conversations.

"Are you kidding?" Athena queried incredulously, "What if it eats the car, and then eats us?"

"It won't do that," Trevor reassured her - once again - as he turned around in his seat and twisted the keys stuck in the vehicle. Athena gulped down her fear as the car shook to a start, copying Trevor's actions of turning in his seat before tightly grasping onto the handle bar built into the side door.

Podcast, upon hearing what Trevor had to say, begged to differ, and needed to state his more realistic response. "Well, actually, it is factually poss-"

"Dude, you need to shut up," Trevor demanded the boy as he looked back with a deathly glare. The car went silent as Trevor let out a breath, turning back around and putting the car in drive as Phoebe and Podcast planned how to catch the ravenous ghost without putting themselves in any danger.


The odd group of four were driving around Summerville in Trevor's latest restoration to search for the infamous Muncher. They'd been at it for twenty minutes and were yet to find a single clue; not even the remains of one of the ghost's latest meals.

"So, what should I be looking for?" Trevor asked as he scanned the streets he passed. The town was rather small, so they'd been down all the streets numerous times already, but the children in the back were persistent on finding even just the tiniest piece of evidence the ghost really existed.

"A poltergeist? An Obake?" Athena paused to gasp, "Or Preta? The hungry ghost!"

"Uh, I don't know what a Preta is," Podcast murmured as he snuck a look with Phoebe, who jus brushed the girl's statement off. Phoebe found herself to quite admire the girl.

"Just look for evidence." Both the children shuffled around in the back seats to get closer to the windshield, wanting the best view of the roads to try and find their single target.

"Could you stop breathing in my ear?" Trevor complained with annoyance, his eyebrows knotting together at the bridge of his nose in disgust.

"No," Podcast mumbled as he examined the surroundings, not even giving the elder boy a glance.

"I don't like this, the streets are empty," Trevor mumbled as he looked down the lone sidewalks, the trees flowing in the wind being the only movement he could spot for meters.

"They're always empty. It's creepy," Athena whispered beneath her breath. 

"There!" Phoebe shouted, pointing at a bright blue creature eating a fire hydrant across the street. Trevor gasped and slammed his foot on the brake, widening his eyes whilst Athena stared in utter shock. Her constant ideologies on ghosts and defenses against the supernatural were coming back in her favor - the actually existed.

"Holy shit," she whispered as she stared at the fascinating creature. It was there, right infront of her, existing.

"Is that a-" Trevor started as his jaw practically dropped to the ground.

"Free floating metal muncher. Definitely classified," Podcast finished with a smirk, not taking his eyes off the ghost moving around before them. 

"I was gonna say Preta, but whatever," Trevor mumbled as he watched the ghost move around the hydrant, continuously taking chunks off the safety object and throwing it into his spacious mouth. It disgusted him.

"What now?" Athena asked without taking her eyes off the creature. 

"Let's get 'em," Podcast whispered mysteriously.

"And how are you going to do that, genius?" Athena questioned. However, much to her surprise, Phoebe - who was previously fiddling with something beneath her chair - pulled a hidden lever, which sent her seat flying out of the side of the car. Everyone turned around in fright as they watched the girl dangle from her uncomfortable chair, but soon their expressions changed. "Now that could be helpful."

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