chapter nine

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THEY WERE SURROUNDED BY DUST. The car, the people, the trees; everything. With a hint of a struggle, Athena shakily rolled down the window to her right as Phoebe waved the loose dirt away from her face, the boy beside her standing awkwardly on the side of the road. The pair in the car squinted their eyes at the surprise appearance of the two, one of which being unknown.

"Hey!" Trevor greeted his sister and the unfamiliar boy next to her with a grin, his tight curls bouncing around as he sounded out each letter.

"Hey. . ." the girl hesitated silently. "This is Podcast, he's my friend." Said boy waved with a smile and bright cheeks, the collection of objects he was somehow holding clattering together as he moved his hand. The little girl's older sibling had to do a double take upon finding out the astonishing news, she actually had a friend.

"You're her friend?" Trevor questioned incredulously, making Athena furrow her brows in confusion. The boy enthusiastically nodded, his belongings once again whacking against each other as he did so.

"I know you," Phoebe interrupted as she nodded towards Athena, who instantly sent her a smile once she pointed in her direction.

"Yeah, you came into the diner the other night," the teen recounted as the other girl hummed in agreement. Athena watched on innocently as the dark-haired youngster nodded whilst her thoughts ran wild, her eyes darting between the two teens sitting in the car as she tried to piece together what was truly happening.

"Are you his girlfriend?" At the sudden question, both seated people's faces blushed a deep red as they hurriedly shook their heads - almost too hurriedly to be considered normal.

"What? No," Trevor immediately exasperated.

"What makes you say that?" Athena questioned with furrowed brows, her voice running over the top of the boys beside her.

"He's never hung out with a girl before," Phoebe stated nonchalantly. The leak of precious information caused Athena to glance over at the embarrassed boy, who's mouth had opened wide in the direction of his younger sister. She let out a laugh, holding her hand up to her mouth so her giggles were muffled, whilst Trevor returned her gaze.

"Yeah, yeah. That is a lie. A lie," He tried to defend his reputation, although his embarrassed blush spoke more words than he ever could.

"Look, man," Podcast interrupted as he leant into the car window, catching both the teens' attention before Athena uncomfortably shuffled back. "We need a ride. You know how to drive?"

"He doesn't. He failed his driver's test three times." Phoebe answered for her angered brother, who was constantly losing his patience even more as the slow minutes passed on.

"I knew it!" Athena laughed as she turned in her seat, pointing an accusing finger towards Trevor's face. "I knew you couldn't drive." All the boy did was smack her hand down and stick out his tongue before returning to rest his gaze on his sister's supposed 'friend', choosing to ignore the triumphant grin that stayed on the lower half of the girl's face.

"Get in the back," he directed the two children who eagerly climbed in. As they clambered into the back seats, Athena sent him a look of disbelief, one he met with confusion.

"You could have said please," the girl mumbled as Phoebe and her friend made themselves comfortable in the dirty, old vehicle.

Trevor let out a groan of annoyance as he threw his head back into the top part of his seat. "Athena, she is my sister." He turned to look at the curly-haired girl as he spoke. "I never say please to my sister," he explained lightly.

"Well, maybe you should start now. There's no time better than the present," she smiled innocently. Trevor tried to keep his annoyed façade up but it immediately backfired, crumbling upon briefly glancing down at her soft grin. One reciprocated onto his face almost instantly, much to his dismay.

"Where are we going?" Athena asked the two behind her as she turned in her seat, gently placing a hand on Trevor's shoulder to help her look back. He froze once feeling her bare, soft hand connect with his dirty jacket, but soon relaxed and let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding as he listened in to their conversation.

"Just drive, we'll direct you," Podcast replied smoothly, smirking as if he was in some sort of action movie. Athena squinted her eyes suspiciously at him before turning back around with a huff, Trevor silently whining when he felt her palm lift off of his shoulder.

"He really does live up to his name, huh?" She mumbled across to the curly-haired driver as she sank back into the seat, closing her eyes as she bathed in the peaceful silence.

"He sure does," Trevor replied with a smirk as he pulled the car into gear, harshly stepping on the gas to squeeze a reaction out of the girl beside him.


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