chapter seven

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WITH A HAND ON HER pillow, legs resting beneath the dark quilt, Athena woke up motionlessly

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WITH A HAND ON HER pillow, legs resting beneath the dark quilt, Athena woke up motionlessly. She opened her eyes and blinked away the light, patiently allowing her pupils to focus without moving a muscle. It was only then that she moved, aware of the sleeping boy on the floor that she glimpsed at over the side of his bed. Somehow, even unconscious, he was still breathtaking.

She drowsily smiled as her eyes roamed his sharp jawline and the freckles that littered it before moving away and snuggling back into the warm sheets. However, her eyelids barely had time to flutter shut, due to someone shifting around beneath her.

"Athena?" Trevor mumbled with a yawn, his husky voice alerting the teenage girl on the bed of his now awake presence. He sat up from his uncomfortable position to look at said girl, his pupils immediately latching onto Athena's bright eyes and wide smile.

"Good morning," she whispered lightly as she tucked her hands underneath her head, her eyes settling on his as he displayed a sheepish grin. Her cheeks reddened before she turned towards the window, seeing the sun already floating high above the mountains in the distance. 

Trevor too — after catching himself gazing longingly at the left side of her face — looked out of the foggy window. "Do you think it's late?"

He glanced back over to her, eyes landing on her poofy hair that looked all too convincing to touch, before she looked back at him with a smile that melted him in an instant.

"Not too late," she murmured as she peered into his dark irises, getting sucked into them like a black hole. He smiled lightly and cleared his throat — trying to distract himself, not her — which made Athena gulp and sit up, stretching on the bed. "So, about that shit-box?"


Athena Warren was eating strawberries from the punnet as Trevor did work on the car.

"So when you fix it, you're gonna drive it?" She interrogated with furrowed brows whilst pulling another strawberry out of the container and inspecting it, rolling it between her fingertips.

"Well, yeah. What else would I do?" He questioned between groans of frustration and bubbles of anger when he caught sight of yet another thing wrong under the hood of the old vehicle.

"Isn't that illegal?" Athena teased as she placed the plastic container down on the wooden bench beside her, tilting her head to the side as she swung her legs back and forth beneath the table.

Trevor, hearing her words, stopped tinkering with the car, except he stayed hidden beneath the metal hood. "No," he dragged out unconvincingly, squeezing his eyes shut with hope praying that she wouldn't dig any deeper. To his luck, she did.

"How convincing, Trevor," she breathed out with a sarcastic nod. "You're not old enough to drive that thing."

"I am so!" He pulled himself out from beneath the vehicle's bonnet. "I'm seventeen!" He exasperated as he faced her, throwing his arms out to show his frustration.

"Yeah, right. I'll believe it when I see pigs fly. I'm not stupid." Trevor sighed and let his head drop, all his hope diminishing instantly. Watching his actions, Athena dropped the joking act, her face morphing into a look of concern. "What?"

"I'm fifteen," he finally confessed with a sigh before turning back around to the car, trying to distract himself by fixing it further. He didn't want to see her face when she would realize what a mistake she'd made what a mistake talking to him in the first place even was. Little did he know, it was all in his head. Every single bit of it. "So, just, you know. Go, if you want."

"Why would I go?" She spoke immediately, her worry showing through her small voice as she pushed herself off the bench and approached the visibly annoyed and upset boy.

"Because I'm way younger than you," he explained quietly with a shrug, avoiding her eyes that were constantly searching for his.

"I'm fifteen too," she paused and squinted her eyes. She didn't like where the conversation was going.

"Really?" Trevor asked as he, once again, moved away from the hood of the car. He looked at her with a mixture of confusion and disbelief, which caused a flurry of emotions to ricochet off the walls of her heart.

"You're kidding me," Athena muttered with distaste. She couldn't believe that Trevor thought she was older than him, when everyone always told her that she looked younger than she truly was. 

"Gosh, that's embarrassing." Trevor's cheeks burned a deep red as he reached up to rub the back of his neck, but stopped and grimaced once catching sight of his grease-covered hands. He was in deep shit, and he knew it.

"You thought I was way older than you?" Trevor gulped. "You asshole!" Unbeknownst to the worried boy across from the fuming girl, Athena was only being half-serious. She didn't really care, and honestly just thought the whole situation was funny. Seeing his terrified reaction was priceless, so she tried to keep the joke running for as long as she could. 

"I'm sorry!" Trevor stuttered, at a complete loss for words. "I didn't know!"

"So you just assumed I was like nineteen?" She retorted, yet she couldn't help but smile. Miraculously, Trevor caught onto it and sighed with relief, taking notice of her crumbling exterior.

"Maybe?" He laughed out somewhat worriedly, his nerves slowly dissipating.

"Do I look like I'm nineteen to you?" The teenager sassed with a mock hurt expression plastered across her soft features, anger not being an emotion she was particularly experienced with.

"What? No! No. No . . ." He trailed off with a sincere smile. "I'm sorry." Pulling out his last card, Trevor brilliantly thought of a new idea. Instead of smiling and pleading her, he pouted and innocently widened his eyes.

"Nope, I'm not having it." She spoke as soon as her eyes had met his, crossing her arms as she slightly turned away.

"Oh, come on! Seriously?" He groaned, standing still for a few minutes as he watched her look anywhere around the shed but him. "I'm sorry." He dragged out. "Athena."

He moved forward and wrapped his arms around her neck, resting his head on her hair with a smile as her frown slowly unraveled beneath him. He made sure his hands didn't come into any contact with her or her clothing whatsoever, because then he knew she would really be angry.

After a few relaxing seconds, chaos returned. Athena softly pushed the tall boy back, and crossed her arms yet again, painting back on her straight and emotionless face. "That's not gonna work."

"But I thought you liked hugs?" He complained as his face dropped, feigning sadness and deep misery.

Athena dropped the persona for a moment. "Well, you're not wrong, but still" as soon as it was gone, it reappeared"what you said was very hurtful and deeply damaged my sensitive feelings."

With a groan, Trevor slowly stepped forward. "Whatever. Stop being such a loser," he taunted before swiping his finger down her nose, causing her eyes to widen in surprise. She only realized why he did it when he wiggled his dirty hands infront of her with a wicked grin.

"Trevor Spengler! You did not just do that!" She yelled as she quickly brought her hands up to her face and rubbed ferociously at her nose. When she pulled her hand away, her fingertips were covered in grease. It was then that she got angry.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Trevor screamed as he got chased around the shed, the pair of teens laughing as they dashed around the old, broken down car.

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