chapter six

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TREVOR SPENGLER'S HOUSE WAS THE first home the strange group of teens pulled up to

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TREVOR SPENGLER'S HOUSE WAS THE first home the strange group of teens pulled up to. Everything seemed normal to the others as he jumped over the railing of the back of the truck and dusted off his hands, until their long-time friend Athena stood up. Lucky watched suspiciously as Trevor waited expectantly to assist the girl in climbing down from the vehicle, holding out a patient hand for her to take.

"Thena?" Lucky questioned with a raised brow, eyes darting between the newly formed pair.

"You guys go, I might see you tomorrow," she waved them off with a small smile before placing her palm in the warm hand of Trevor's. He put his other hand on her waist as he guided her down the back of the truck until she was standing beside him, fingers still laced tightly together.

"This isn't your house," Zahk pointed out with confusion, attracting the attention of Rufus beside him.

"No, it's not," she confirmed. When the boy finally realized what was happening, he verbally gasped before nudging Rufus with a grin and a wink.

"Watch out for ghosts," Lucky joked as the truck pulled away, wiggling her fingers infront of her face towards the pair as they drove down the dark driveway. Athena sent her a glare before turning around with a sigh, letting her fingers slip out of his grasp.

"Are they always like that?" Trevor asked whilst ignoring the lack of skin to skin touch with the euphoric girl infront of him, pointing a pale finger in the direction of the disappearing truck.

"Yeah, but you get past it," she shrugged with a soft smile. He solemnly nodded before breaking out into a grin, leaping up the deteriorating wooden steps on the front porch.

"Well, I don't know about you, but I don't wanna stay out here forever," he sang as he opened the wooden door, holding it open for the girl behind him.

"It is a bit cold out here," she murmured as she brushed past him, rubbing her bare arms as she stepped into the gloomy entryway. Her breath caught, however, as soon as her chocolate-swirled eyes trailed up from the polished floorboards of the home: the infamous farmhouse.

"What do you think?" Trevor hesitantly asked, allowing the door to softly close behind him as he shuffled over to her. He ducked his head, hiding behind his collection of dark curls to try to maintain his embarrassment. Unbeknownst to him, the girl he'd tried so hard to impress was looking around the open space with wonder.

In Athena's eyes, everything worked. The carved cornice running along the edges of the ceiling; the dark, aging furniture placed evenly around the room; the small, intricate detailing in all the cabinets. It all just worked.

Breathlessly, she responded. "It's amazing."

"I'm sorry?" Not thinking he'd heard her right, he looked up with squinted eyes to study her taken expression. But, to his surprise, she really was mesmerized by his front room.

"I hadn't imagined it to be this . . . this—"

"This old?" He suggested as a small smile began to grow across his lower face. She looked over to him with surprise, mirroring his smile and cheerful eyes in the process. "Because it is really old."

"I like it," she shrugged as he stifled a laugh, refusing to take her seriously. "What?"

"Nothing, nothing." He muttered with his hands raised in surrender, turning around to walk backwards towards the staircase.

"Where are you going?" She tilted her head to show her curiosity, slowly beginning to walk after him.

"To my room, silly," he teased jokingly before spinning back around and running up the stairs, leaving her behind with a laugh.

"Hey— wait for me!" She shouted up to him. After chasing him up the rickety staircase, they arrived in his room — his messy room.

"I didn't realize I left it looking like a junkyard," he grimaced whilst haphazardly kicking some of his belongings strewn across the floor under his bed. His dirty clothes, childhood toys and torn comics all piled up under his mattress, the top of his bed not looking much better than the unseen floor of his bedroom.

"A junkyard?" She questioned with furrowed brows, her eyes glancing over everything in his dark room.

"Yeah," he turned around with a shrug, hands placed on his hips, "do you see the resemblance?"

Before she could respond, the door creaked open behind her. They both looked in the direction, panicked — but both for different reasons. Trevor knew who it was, he just didn't want her to come in, whereas Athena had no idea.

"Trevor, have you seen my—" Her eyes caught onto that of a surprised Athena's— "Oh."

"You're supposed to knock, mum," Trevor groaned as he walked towards the open door, rolling his eyes at his maternal figure.

"Hi," Athena greeted lightly with a hesitant wave, unsure of whether or not to introduce herself.

"Hi, I'm Callie," the older woman smiled softly, making a point of ignoring her annoyed son.

"Athena," the fluffy-haired girl informed her with bright cheeks.

"Bye, mum." He sarcastically smiled before slamming the door shut. He let out an anger-filled sigh, running a hand through his hair and turning back to the quietly laughing girl with a frown. "What?"

"Nothing," she innocently sang with a sweet grin.


That night, Athena and Trevor spent hours talking in the dark, both sitting on opposing sides of the boy's messy bed. They sat cross-legged, skin around the knees touching as they spoke about their lives and other random, meaningless thoughts. Every once in a while, Trevor would catch himself staring at the girl's face, admiring her pure beauty in the illumination of the glistening moonlight from the stained windows. Not that she knew of it, but she was doing it too.

"So you just sit in the library all day, bored out of your mind?" The curly-haired boy asked in a whisper. He stared down at the image he was drawing, tracing around her right knee with his pale index finger. She bit down a smile before humming in response, leaning back and resting her head against the dark, wooden bedhead.

"It's better with you there, though," she muttered through the air, not catching the way he ducked his head to hide his grin as she closed her eyes with a hint of a smile.

"I'll come by everyday," he unintentionally stopped drawing the random shapes on her knee, but she blindly reached down and held his hand, pointing out his finger once again.

"Don't stop, it makes me sleepy," she yawned as he let out a quiet laugh, resuming his patterns on her freckled skin.

"Sleepy?" All she did was hum in response. 

And so, he didn't stop, until he was sure she was fast asleep. He crawled off his bed and pulled a blanket over her sleeping body, laying down on the makeshift bed they'd made hours earlier with fluffy doonas and pillows.

"Goodnight, Athena."

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